Reviews for A Knight's Journey
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 4 . 7/12
I'm not going to go away if I don't like something, I'll just be honest about what I didn't like, lol. But I did like this chapter. I'm probably going to read something else for a bit because it's just not really progressing as evenly as I thought it would, going from time skip central no real pace to describe right to slow as a mf sloth with a few random jumps here and there that make no sense. That was what it was until this chapter, but this chapter is just barely better. I'm still über bored with it, so I'll just bounce until I'm ready for more. Later.
angelvan105 chapter 8 . 5/28
Thank you for this super interesting and great story! Keep it up!
Azure-Star-Dragon chapter 1 . 4/24
you know that just because someone is blood related to you that doesn't mean that you have to care about them and consider them family right? especially if you've either never met them or weren't even close to them before knowing that they were a blood relative. like Naruto never knew her and definitely didn't raise her so of course he wouldn't really care. an in character Naruto would have taken her in and eventually start to care but their relationship would probably never reach the point of being family. also Mordred did what they did in Fate because they were "raised" by a woman that really didn't care about her and she was conditioned to do such a thing. unless shion is a very different character then I doubt that any child raised by her would end up like Fate Mordred.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12
But fr tho this shit blows
Copypasta man chapter 1 . 4/12
Calling that mass of revolting sludge of yours a story is like calling a bucket of putrid, stinking, maggot-infested garbage a steak dinner. Like rotting garbage, there’s occasionally some recognizable trace of what it was supposed to be, which only makes the rest of that disgusting sack of offal posing as fanfic just so much worse. Then you have the utter gall to beg people to praise your efforts, as though you actually made some effort instead of just scribbling down your brain drool and contaminating the Net with it. Nobody with the intelligence of a body louse would pretend that was a story. In fact, I owe your lice an apology for saying that. I’ve had toenail fungus that was smarter than you. I’ve read better stories in random combinations of words made from old bills that have gone through the paper shredder. You would have to get smarter to become a drooling idiot. Whoever deluded you into believing you could write ought to be flogged. Not only do you expose unsuspecting readers to the foul mess of slaughterhouse waste you call a story, but you cry like the whiny little baby you are when people don’t tell you it’s the best story ever. I bet you’re crying right now. You’re an infected boil on the buttocks of fandom. Your momma curses herself daily for ever letting a stupid brat like you be born.
pittsacee chapter 6 . 4/11
Will Salem or cinder be joining the harem
SilverSurfer24 chapter 2 . 4/8
Why is this a Naruto crossover?

No, seriously...why is this a Naruto crossover?

This entire fic could've worked just fine if you started with Mordred's true story, no I think that would've been more compelling than this clusterfuck of a story.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/10
Hey man how’s a going I’m just a fan who is passionate and all but will you be continuing Mandalore the Hunter? It’s very well done so far!
GoTeam chapter 8 . 3/9
Wheres kurama
XenoLucifer chapter 8 . 3/11
The visions are definitely of Fate Mordreds end at the hands of Artorias lance Rhongomyniad.
Stratos263 chapter 8 . 3/10
Good luck mordred
Jostanos chapter 8 . 3/10
For some reason I see a clone striking a Might Guy "Thumbs up victory pose" exclaiming "MISSION SUCCESS!" or something similar to that effect.


Well done, Storm! *eye smiles*
HyperA2019 chapter 8 . 3/10
I am looking foward to Chapter 9.
Bob2007 chapter 8 . 3/9
You tried WAY too hard to make Naruto out to be some kind of bad guy here. Really, why should he suddenly care about this girl who suddenly says that she is his daughter. Also, her hating Naruto is fine, even her wanting to kill Naruto I can tolerate, but Mordred slaughtering all those people just because of Naruto is the most childish and ridiculous thing I've ever heard, "She killed the Mizukage and Tsuchikage to prove she was serious", what? Trying to kill Naruto directly doesn't prove that how?
"The pain of losing everything you hold dear" wtf did she lose exactly?
"The same pain I felt?" You're making it out to be like Mordred in this universe went through the same scenario that Mordred in the Nasuverse went through. Newsflash, she didn't. Mordred in the Nasuverse was Morgan Le Fay's puppet and was manipulated by her, so the rejection from Arturia would've hit a lot harder there due to her believing that she was the rightful heir to the throne than it would've hit here from Naruto of all people.
Also, what was the point of making Mordred the daughter of Naruto anyways? You don't focus on this fact at all, you just dump her in RWBY and call it a day, and judging from this Clarent Blood Arthur thing you've got going on, I'm going to guess this is a reincarnation fic. There really wasn't any need to make this a Naruto crossover at all.
StrongGuy159 chapter 8 . 3/9
Cool chapter continue please.
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