Reviews for Still Be Free
kokoronagomu chapter 10 . 12/22/2014
some discrepancies but this was a cute story. i appreciate that hopefully they have more than one kid, kenji wouldn't be such a brat. ! searching through archives and found one i hadn't read yet (although i'm going senile so i can't always be sure).

i hope you got to see the 'rurouni kenshin' live action movie(s). if not, there are trailers for the first one and then for the sequel movies. the first movie was a wonderful adaptation and the sequels are promised to be just as good if not better. just copy/paste the codes into the youtube search for each video:

O4Bhr80HfyY -the first live movie's trailer
yaLOPVAuJs4 -first movie's character profile trailers
8qRFhP5PhMk -first movie's dojo fight scene from the first chapter manga and first episode anime
a7HrF77Ewkg -the sneak preview for the first sequel kyoto arc:
bAgmfGZbVrQ -the first official trailer for the sequel movies (subbed)
NCei4Vm1ZP8 -another trailer
emy8JkKV6LQ -character profile trailers
BSl-T1AioDQ -trailer for the second sequel (no he doesn't die) 'the legend ends'. they had changed the story of the anime for the movie and it is quite interesting and scary in the implications but the director had hinted on another movie (a prequel... hopefully it'll be both remberance and jinchuu arcs).

the sequels (kyoto arc) have already been released but hopefully they won't be the last ones as i'm counting on big box office numbers again to motivate them to film more... :) ... you can see the first one online at a place called: gooddrama (you can google it although i'm not sure it's available in every country) go there and type in rurouni kenshin... click on the pic of the movie and then ignore where it says to watch it and scroll down below the actors' pictures and click where it says: Rurouni Kenshin (2012) -it can be watched in any one of the three or four screens on the page (different people uploaded each and i usually watch the first on any anime/video site like that *shrugs*) and make sure you have adblocker and run a scan with maleware bytes after any site like that to get rid of any spyware... you can get ghostery as an add-on if you use firefox to stop trackers (i may be extra cautious but it pays to be). i know it's a lot of trouble but i really trust doing all that rather than downloading from bittorrent or something like it. but you can also get the dvds from places like cd-japan or amazon.
a pleasure,
kokoronagomu. deviantart. com
UrmixMoonstone chapter 10 . 11/13/2014
Yay! More good RK fics for me. No, seriously, this was good! I would rate this 8. The characters were almost to the dot, but considering that this is your first RK fic, hats off!
MoonlitElegy chapter 10 . 8/23/2009
Yay! You started this story out with a wonderful beginning and ended it beautifully. The plot was amazing, and though it was hard to read about Kaoru's labor, I'm glad I continued 'til the end. I'm also pleased to say you did an awesome job keeping the characters in line; I could actually imagine this story being a real episode in the series and whatnot.

:) Keep up the great work!
Jitzy chapter 10 . 4/8/2009
I give you a giant Kudos bar

You have written a Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

That isn't complete crap

Thank you
ScriptNinja chapter 10 . 12/7/2008
I would have to give you a 10! Not just because it was a KK fanfic, but because of excellent story boarding. You created conflict at just the right time, built up suspense, and ended with a resolved happy ending. Well done!
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 10 . 10/10/2008
Happy ending desu yo! A bit cheesy.. but full of fluff XD I love it!

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 9 . 10/10/2008
Ohohoh.. Kenshin is pissed XD Let the battle begin!

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 8 . 10/10/2008
Love it )

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 7 . 10/10/2008
Im abit worried. Even though SAno offered, you can just tell what is going to happen. Lol. I hope they are alright. Keep it up )

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 6 . 10/10/2008
Wonderful job ) Im a bit surprised Kenshin didnt sence the baby. But of course, he is still sick isnt he?

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 5 . 10/10/2008
Oh boy.. A baby will make things very dificult. In all truth, I wouldnt have a mother giver her child up like that so easily.. but that is just me /

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 4 . 10/10/2008
Oh.. I wonder what happened. They had a relationship, rape even? I hope they are all right T_T Great fic so far!

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 3 . 10/10/2008
Oh my! O

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 2 . 10/10/2008
Oh Sano and Megumi sitting in a tree K-i-s-s... ok you get it.. Lol. Wonderful job

Ari chan
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 1 . 10/10/2008
Ohmigi! I love it XD Wonderful job! Does Kaoru's behavior revolve around either of her parents' deaths?

Ari chan
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