Reviews for Gravity
Songbird Rebel chapter 5 . 3/26
Ooh, this is getting good. I hope you'll get him out soon... Anyways, please keep up the good work. I love this story.
The Night Whisperer chapter 5 . 3/26
Ahhh, they finally found Runaan! XD And it’s all thanks to this little guy! *gives Zym a hug and a basket full of treats* Of course, now they have to worry about a group of assassins trying to kill them and steal him back. Which I’m sure will come up very soon. So, yeah, that will be fun. LOL XD
The Night Whisperer chapter 4 . 12/10/2019
Okay, I wasn’t expecting your merman to be such a devilish minx. X3 But I love it! And I can’t wait to learn more about him. Anyway, please update soon :)
The Night Whisperer chapter 3 . 10/4/2019
“Have you seen any male elves, Callum? It isn’t exactly a hard mistake to make.” Okay, it’s official. I love Anora! XD And I can already tell that Runaan and her will have a pretty interesting relationship. Of course, once Rayla and the others find out what happened to him and try to free him from the coin ... Which I really hope happens in season 3. *fingers crossed* Anyway, please update soon :)
TheLightFairyHearts chapter 2 . 6/20/2019
Amazing love the work hope to read more
The Night Whisperer chapter 2 . 6/10/2019
Damn, Callum and Rayla just can’t catch a break. Like, we all knew that getting into Xadia wouldn’t be easy. But things just got 10 times harder for them. Ugh, I just hope they’ll be okay. Anyway, please update soon :)
The Night Whisperer chapter 1 . 4/3/2019
Awww, poor Runaan! :( He might very well end up in a coin collection if those little thieves sell him off to the highest bidder. I just hope somebody takes pity on him soon because I can’t stand to see this poor baby suffer :( Anyway, please update soon :)