Reviews for Ghosts
Ashley chapter 1 . 5/20
This was beautiful and horrible at the same time.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Amazing Story!
EquinusPrime chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
Oh my gosh! This is so sweet! So terribly tragic and sad but so tender! You captured Optimus so perfectly! I was so frustrated with the show. They made Optimus too stoic, too unapproachable and that just isn't Optimus.

In a sense I can understand why. It would be extremely dangerous for him to take on a human charge. He or she would become a target very rapidly, more so than the other human children had. And Optimus's charge may not have been so lucky. It would have been the worst way to hurt him.

People forget just how kind he truly is and it is frustrating. He needs a human charge, a companion to bring some light to his spark. This is so, so sweet!

I don't know if you're still writing or what you've planned . . . but another version of this where Optimus saves them and reveals his human friends to his other family . .. . that would be sweet!
Starscream22 chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
Kingsforcedvacation chapter 1 . 4/8/2019