Reviews for Gwenpool Kisses the Marvel Universe
Abyss Watchers' Favorite Cook chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
You mad lad, you did it again!
I love how you wrote her medium awareness. "fought for like a few page spread",lol. I think this fic would be best if you don't dwell too deep into the 'dangerous' area. It feels more of a light enjoyable short stories about trying to kiss everyone.
Abyss Watchers' Favorite Cook chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
me waiting for that update...
supernova708 chapter 2 . 4/18/2019
She made out with a whole country!?
Jokes aside, great work on integrating Gwenpool's powers despite the change in medium.
Any chance there'll be a chapter where she messes with the fic itself like in the days of yore?