Reviews for The Italian Dragon Emperor
A Simple Pilgrim chapter 34 . 7/20
God that cliffhanger at the end is downright painful. I am really enjoying this story, and the whole AU thing is very interesting. It's hard for me to imagine a mature Issei messing up so hard that the entire universe resets, but still it's really curious.

In any case, I really liked the story so far, and can't wait for the next chapter. I hope to see some more Irina and Anthony interactions, hopefully more friendly than this tense reunion.
dragon emperor chapter 34 . 7/18
Took some time understanding the stella reference, I knew I heard that somewhere. That anime needs a season 2.
Ace chapter 34 . 7/12
Also have you heard of Warrior Nun on Netflix?
Ace chapter 34 . 7/12
Would you ever have Xenovia (side note that Karen line lol) speak Italian to Anthony in the next chapter? Also would Anthony learn Japanese for Irina while she learns Italian for him in a side story?
OechsnerC chapter 34 . 7/9
An okay filler chapter. Looking forward to reading more.
54godamora chapter 34 . 7/8
Talk about long, drawn-out, yet brutal fight.
calderoneric758 chapter 34 . 7/8
So does issei even exist in say the rebooted timeline and two what's about his what is his dad the crazy prist from hellsing... this a is a great idea I just made make it happen
Dragon Emperor chapter 33 . 6/7
Man , this story is so awesome. Waiting for the next update. Are you going to discontinue this?
SkullCrusher chapter 33 . 5/10
Man, this story is awesome man. Waiting for the next update
Jack perez chapter 33 . 5/9
Tambien me gustaria que entre anthony y akeno sucediera un beso o algo parecido. Siempre me gusto mucho akeno,su personalidad y su cuerpo 7u7
Jack perez chapter 33 . 5/9
Wow oye me gusto mucho la historia pero tengo que decir que me tiene confundido lo del universo alternativo.
HolyKnightX chapter 1 . 5/1
I'm liking the way that it started off. Can't wait to see what happens next.
YuanDxD chapter 1 . 4/30
Italian but named Anthony and not Antonio.
Skull Crusher chapter 33 . 4/14
Man, i love your story now especially its more au. Waiting for next update
The hp reference is hilarous.
Imperial-samaB chapter 33 . 4/14
You've done well
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