Reviews for Deception
Arial Wolf chapter 23 . 8/28
Totally fricking awesome bloody brilliant thank you for this amazing tale of awesomeness thanks
Magic2488 chapter 23 . 8/22
Honestly I love this. I can't wait to read more!
JenDamn chapter 10 . 4/16
Well it's nice to see Hermione telling Harry how it really is. It was nice what Ginny started with, but adding in the, we can't win without you, bit, makes her motives suspect. I generally tend to have a lot of respect for Minerva, but apparently she's just like the rest.
jackyfloresq2001 chapter 23 . 2/2
can't wait for the next chapter in this story
ladyaxiii chapter 23 . 1/16
this chapter seem to have erased the previous one by accident are you going to repost it?
other than that I love where this story is going I just get sucked right in.
DarthXenite chapter 23 . 1/14
Omg, need to know more!
andrewpine chapter 8 . 1/2
I think I will pass on this story,it is starting to get too weird for me.
andrewpine chapter 4 . 1/2
I see Ronald did as I suspected,acted like an asshole.
So where was Harry ? I thought those two were right as ticks?
andrewpine chapter 3 . 1/2
It's Hermione Jean Granger.
Are all pure-blood families into incest or is it just the Black family?
Narcissa does not seem to upset her husband is in Azkaban.
I am curious if she will be bedding her mother or just her aunt later in the story.
Curious to see what happens when she goes back to school.
I would imagine Ronald will lose his shot when he finds out who she really is.
What kind of conversation will she be having with Dumbledore I wonder?
Guest chapter 23 . 12/21/2019
this is the best fanfic i’ve ever read the pairings great and storyline is well written. Please finish writing it!
sherry24 chapter 23 . 12/5/2019
Uooo liada! Sirius es un bocazas pero no lo hace con mala leche. Harry super comprensivo! Ron en su línia. Esperando nuevo cap. Me encanta
AnarchyQueen13 chapter 23 . 11/28/2019
yay cant wait for update
sherry24 chapter 22 . 11/2/2019
Continua por favor!
Pleasee! Come on!
No me puedes dejar así!
Me encanta
quincybones chapter 22 . 7/6/2019
Please continue this is very intriguing
Guest chapter 22 . 5/23/2019
Please tell me there will be an update!
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