Reviews for Unexpected
ramirezale160 chapter 13 . 9/23
men what are you thinking? spotane abortion? for real? Until recently they were the phantom thieves they were teenagers and now they are an adult parody? what is the meaning? ren? is a realy bad guy in this story! in persona 5 is a guy who is always thinking about others but in this story he only thinks about sex! nothing else matters to him why ? I'm a fanboy of ann x ren but men I think you disrespected ann and ren one is an idiot who does not wear a condom and the poor girl is the victim of this parody of the protagonist of persona 5 why men? why an abortion? I do not really understand that it was difficult for you to have the child or that that did not happen shit men im shock
sunita92 chapter 13 . 5/30
This is such a great great story! I absolutely love it, you’re a great writer!
sunita92 chapter 12 . 5/30
Omg finally :)
sunita92 chapter 11 . 5/30
Omg I can actually feel the grief in this chapter
sunita92 chapter 10 . 5/30
Omg this is too sad!
sunita92 chapter 9 . 5/29
I hope something romantic happens between them in the next chapter, it pains my heart to see both of them in this situation
sunita92 chapter 8 . 5/29
I get Ann’s position but I feel sorry for Ren too. I hope they reconcile, I really do.
sunita92 chapter 7 . 5/29
Omg Ann I hope you will just tell Ren already please
sunita92 chapter 6 . 5/29
Noooooo Ann!
sunita92 chapter 5 . 5/28
Great chapter and what a turnout!
sunita92 chapter 4 . 5/28
Omg I really love how this story is going!
sunita92 chapter 3 . 5/28
Omg omg omg I absolutely love where this story is going!
sunita92 chapter 2 . 5/28
Omg I absolutely love love this chapter!
sunita92 chapter 1 . 5/27
Oh I like how this story started off!
Virtual Delirium chapter 13 . 8/24/2019
Don't get excited. It's just another email saying someone followed your story without reviewing.

First of all, I'd like to offer my congratulations in seeing this story to the sincere end (and kudos to jokermans for assisting you through the process) despite the bumps and odd moments of struggles you confessed to in atelier, while writing 'Unexpected'. Writing extended storylines are not easy with the demands of life's commitments, distractions and the volatility of when one is able to find words transmitted to a page. You did good.

Reading Ann doubt herself, when she was wondering if she deserved Ren's caressing despite her "shortfalls", I am reminded of a kind of vulnerability I think some lonely souls feel from time to time. When a person wants seeks comfort from their inamorato, when they're at their lowest, their ugliest, when they've done and said hurtful things, knowing that they may still not deserve consummate love and loyalty...they still yearn for it. Ann did yearn for it. Between her frightened heartbeat. Her sighs.

I'll be honest. Ann caught me off-guard with what she did in this story. I won't go into implicit detail because I don't want to spoil any future readers breezing through your review section, but I think it's safe to assume you know which bit I mean. When Ann did that akratic thing to Ren, a part of me snapped shut and distant. One of my continual failings as a person is harshly judging people to the extremes when it comes to loyalty (in fact, I almost did not write this review because of my allegiance to Nacho and Turtle). It is an armada which has been useful to me, many times, especially as a sixth sense which knew they were going to shock their down the line. Or when I knew they've done certain things in the past, only to eventually learn (always) that my compass was right.

So imagine my headspace when I read Ann's thoughts during that intimacy Ren initiated (It wasn't that I thought critically of Ann because of Mariko, but rather the events preceding) She was being harsh to herself, yet at the same time I could feel her vulnerability and the raw pain of losing -spoiler-. Nothing can overstate a mother's love. Nothing can overstate what Ann went through, leaving those raw nerves to life when she tries to conform with reality moving on. It brought some judiciousness to assessing my own all-in-or-nothing attitude. An attitude which I expect will resume to full power mode, once the lingering traces of your chapter fades away and my brain nyoooooooms onto the next shiny thing. I've got more to say about other things, but I think it's time I wrap up this overextended review.

I really didn't want to write this review for reasons. But readership integrity demanded that I afforded this good story the courtesy of leaving a final chapter thoughts.

P.S: Nice touch with dual thread narration with the birds :) I think I'll choose that as my favourite bit of this story.
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