Reviews for Game of Thrones: Rise of the Dragonborn
mk0008 chapter 8 . 11/7/2019
In Tamriel any mortal can shopped it just takes longer to learn. Are you going to have her Squire learn? That would make sense and it would be awesome.
bg3929 chapter 8 . 11/7/2019
Ooh, rad.
This story is so cool, honestly. Thanks for pushing through the yuck to share it with us!

Cheers, and happy writing!

Jebest4781 chapter 8 . 11/7/2019
this was great and like that Nymeria has come around. will be fun to see what things will be like with her around
Ase Of SpADeZ chapter 8 . 11/7/2019
Asking what I think? I think it’s bloody marvelous. You’re a competent writer writing about an interesting topic. What’s not to love?
My only criticism is that your Dragonborn doesn’t have very much characterization. You know, references to her past that make the reader attached for more reasons than cause she’s a Dragonborn. We’re only on ch 8 though so that’s hardly a surprise.
Great job so far and I’m looking forward to future installmentsAre you going to be doing anything cool with Nymeria?
ficreader2011 chapter 8 . 11/7/2019
this is great, please continue.
Dr.equinox chapter 8 . 11/6/2019
Honestly, another good chapter, if a little empty of progression. Though I suppose it can't all be swords and magic all the time, can it? Gotta have some story in there as well.

Regardless, enjoyed it.
eragon95159 chapter 8 . 11/6/2019
Probaly that direwolf is nymeria and arya see that from her warg abilities her Power later arya have dream when meet nine divines of tamriel they tell her faceless and being pracicaly sláve for house black and white dont Bright justice for her family or others good people ,divines tell arya to find lyra dragonborn .arya find lyra and with She learn her as apprentice lýra heal arya mind from traumas of past .lýra summon lucien to kill cersei and joffrey before All probaly he cake out from statue or stranger in high septa before All people start believe vôd stranger killed cersei and force war stop and
make westrons is partialy rebuilded and prepared for long become happy when succesfully use her first about after half year more.
osterreicher97 chapter 8 . 11/6/2019
Good chapter, and it continues to amuse me on how she continues to misinterpret what everyone means when they call Tyrion a dwarf. I suppose that they can still succeed in some way by being within distance of Mira and Sansa to rescue them both depending on the timeline status and the situation they arrive to.
Gtopia chapter 8 . 11/6/2019
nice update, though i hope we get a fix for the magic problem soon. would love to see her just steam roll over westeros.
MelodicPort chapter 7 . 11/4/2019
Just binged this story pretty interesting, please continue
GuestGuest chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
I honestly don't usually get into female lead stories. for no other reason than when I picture it in my head. but meh. I actually really enjoyed the intro and I look forward to continuing my read.
thanks for the chapter.
Guest747474 chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
Meant Lyra in my previous review. Autocorrected to Lara. Sorry
Guest747474 chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
Hi, just want to say that I've been liking your story up to chapter 6, but I have to criticise the way you've structured your characters.
You built Lara up as the "Last Dragonborn, slayer of Alduin" type from the beginning of the story, and so it was a bit of a hammer blow when you drop the "Wasn't me, was someone else" line midway through chapter 6. It collides with the expectation you constructed for Lara, and diminishes her as a character.
I think some possible other avenues you could've taken are:
1: Xerxes is slayer of Harkon/Miraak (both incredibly powerful beings and great accomplishments) leaving Alduin to Lara (Not to say Xerxes couldn't have been the one that skirmished with Alduin).
2: Introduced Xerxes first.
3: Have both Lara and Xerxes defeat Alduin in Sovngard.

The problem stems from the fact that you introduce Lara first, making her the protagonist. Naturally, it's expected she has the protagonistic accomplishment of defeating Alduin. Xerxes is then the deuteragonist. However as you made Xerxes defeat Alduin, you've given a deuteragonist a *very* protagonist accomplishment. The same is true in reverse. Lara, though she is the protagonist, is now diminished to what is expected of the deuteragonist.

The juxtaposition of these things results in a conflict, at least to me, where Lara is lesser than Xerxes; and because I've had the time to come to like Lara's character, ir makes me want to dislike Xerxes, making the read much less enjoyable.
I really wanted to favourite and follow your story after reading it, but this issue has made me not want to continue reading it.

I hope this is helpful, I don't want to flame because you are a great descriptive writer, I just think your story structuring could use some more thought.

I'm guest posting because my account isn't logged in on this device, if you want to reply to this review, please PM/DM me at u/4620556/Pavo-Indus
E chapter 7 . 8/13/2019
I don't like Argonians as a Dragonborn and I don't like the whole two Dragonborns idea. However, this far you have written the story well and created an interesting narrative. So, I'm willing to at least trust that what ever you do with the story, it'll be worth reading.
Shadow Tricked chapter 6 . 8/14/2019
Eh, an Argonian drayonborn ruins it for me. Should post these things in the summary.. I was enjoying this to. But in actual lore an argonian dragonborn breaks the immersion for me.
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