Reviews for This Is Madness (No, This Is Breakfast)
Silene-Ashikawa chapter 1 . 8/9
In character and fun to read. I like this familly time story, TY~
Tmayhew chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
This was such a fun read. For a short piece, you captured each characters personality extremely well, spot on characterization! I wanted the story to go on. I feel like you could write a fun continuation of the boys’ whole conversation at breakfast, maybe them addresses a few elephants (or ghosts) in the room. Great writing though!
StarryEyedSpacegirl chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
Aww this made me so happy! I’d love to see them all together, still a little dysfunctional but also being a family and putting up with each other’s weird quirks. I love it!
LucyLuna chapter 1 . 3/27/2019
This was a fun little story. I really enjoyed that one moment where Diego's waiting in the car, debating if the should just go or really wait for Klaus. Him hitting the steering wheel and yelling "fuck!" with ghost-Ben in the back, like, enjoying the show was amusing to picture.
I also enjoyed how you worked in Allison and Vanya. Allison wanting to have their own little thing while the guys did theirs was cute. Vanya relenting to what her sister wanted because she's essentially begging her to let her make things right was nice too.
Also, I noticed this: "That was father's funeral." In this case, "father's" should be capitalized I believe. If you wanted, I guess you could put "our" before it and then you wouldn't have to.
KlausNeedsLove chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
Awww! Keep going! I wanna see what happens next