Reviews for Harry Potter: Library of Heavens Magic Path
Josh Dare chapter 11 . 10/4
This a great story I hope that can continue so We all can see what changes co tinge to happen and what he does to dumbledork
KrisB-71854 chapter 11 . 2/20
The only two bits of the fic that felt odd was that Harry thought that he shouldn't be funding things and that it could have been funded out of the RoR.

Snorts. Sorry, but that's one rather finite room. Sure, it might have some nice stuff and seem massive to a kid, but even if all of it was sold off, wouldn't fund many scholarships for long.

You didn't have Harry just have a few thousand and a home. You had him like a million/billionaire then you started him buying/investing/improving every quality of life business that you could think of. Each of those businesses should be funding their own little set of scholarships. The idea that one room could somehow out produce all that is absurd.

The next silly thing was Harry's super book of laws and how to implement them and Sirius thinking that it needs to be super-secret to pass. People generally like reduced government and making things/life easier to manage. I hate to say it, but he could use that corruption to get his laws/regulations into the system and before they know it everything has changed.

One bit that you need to flesh out more. Draco going to magical primary school with basically all the other magical kids. At this age, he isn't that bad. He's pretty much a normal kid. All those magical kids have the chance to actually make true friendships that will survive being in different Hogwarts houses.

They'll have had several years of primary together. That'd be plenty of time to bond. Are all magicals allowed in the magical primary? mundane borns even? That would mean Hermione and Dean would be part of that younger set that would form their little groupings. They'd be part of the magical culture already.

Having all those medical/fitness/hygiene upgrades will be one of the best selling points to mundane born parents. They'll be told that having magic by itself basically doubles the expected life span, but as long as you use the modern fit-bed and excerise then you'll look at your personal peak for that entire time as well.

There doesn't have to be a pureblood we are better than you party. The magicals can just sit back and bask in knowing that they are healthier and happier than any and every mundane adult that brings their kids into their world.

It wouldnt' be a point of folks like Hermione wanting to change things. It'll be them wanting to reach that standard of living and all the little social changes that are also part of that culture.

The reduction in government waste or just government restructuring and modernizing the laws/simplifying things could easily go over well at the moment.

One tiny bit that I'm surprised that Harold hasn't accidentally pushed is a culture of hyper politeness somewhat like the Japanese one. It's just expected that everyone in the magical world has manners and politeness towards everyone/thing and knows what's acceptable and proper to each being. Being rude should be like a major social blunder.

I have nothing really for or against your Weasleys, but I'm sort of surprised on all the focus on Ron. I'd say Neville is his best friend. O.k. also brother so maybe that's another level higher. Harry has done tons to improve everyone's quality of life/standard of living.

I'm not saying that Harry couldn't be friends with Ron, but he has already done far more than enough to socially improve the Weasley family. Harry is just too different and might as well be an alien at the moment. He is just too bright and bringing about decades of changes in a few months.

Draco may be an acceptable best friend now. I've read fics where it has happened, and you've made enough major changes where Ron and Draco might even be secret best friends.

I'd like some details on what's changed for AD and the staff at Hogwarts. We've seen all your plans for the students and basically the structure of things, but a staff POV and how they are taking it or reacting to it would be nice about now.

Is your AD truly evil or what? Some of them just go all out against the prophecy kids and are pretty meh outside of that. Seeing AD's reaction to the cultural revolution and reforms would be interesting. The world has entirely moved on and passed him by. Even though he now looks decades younger, he might actually feel older like the Flamels as the culture shock has hit him hard.

Ironically I could see the Flamels easily enjoying this period and deciding to stick around for another century. There may have been just too many awesome new inventions in the last few years that have sparked their interest. They aren't ready to move on anymore.

It would be interesting if Harry's educational textbooks accidentally become ICW standard and most schools use his books or use them as the reference standard.

I could see the Triwizard thing happening sooner here as the Brits will be wanting to show off Hogwarts.
Rasenflash chapter 11 . 1/24
Please continue great story if not a little fast Harry should have to train in all the practical magic but he has the Theory done so he can create all of it
alex.prevett chapter 1 . 12/19/2019
I remember reading this on WW a while ago (a year at least).
steve.moore.9081323 chapter 11 . 11/25/2019
Great story looking forward to more
Guest chapter 5 . 8/12/2019
While all the innovation is interesting it all seems like too much too fast especially expecting s society that has been stagnant for decades to accept it all.
deathwearsblack chapter 11 . 7/27/2019
please update.
Lady Kaiki chapter 11 . 7/14/2019
Awesome ! Plz, update soon !
Dr1zzy chapter 11 . 7/11/2019
Thx for the update
davycrockett100 chapter 11 . 7/10/2019
yay awesome job kiu :)
Guest chapter 8 . 6/27/2019
Alright... It looks like you simply want to be some technological messiah. I mean sure its a fun read but there is jack shit Harry Potter about it.

Grabbing mah book i invent a way to become an omnipotent god by way of the non existent farting ritual. BTW I'm tha reaaaal Harry Potter... ;p
Pattou59 chapter 10 . 6/28/2019
more perhaps have tournament of wizard vs wizard and wizard vs beast ?
Gouravsilentreader chapter 10 . 6/28/2019
Awesome update
Love it
shypunk chapter 10 . 6/28/2019
you know i like this vary much thanks author
davycrockett100 chapter 10 . 6/28/2019
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