Reviews for Between the Lines
Gisachi chapter 1 . 1/1
Wow. This fic is so...divine. So exquisite. It's overflowing with love and affection and everything alluring. My ShinRan heart cannot handle. I literally shed a tear. I cannot pick my favorite lines because I honestly adored them ALL. The way you weaved your words to form beautiful clauses and sentences, it's too- I-I'm...speechless. Beautiful. Just beautiful. Wow. Your talent is a gift. Thank you so much for this breathtaking oneshot.

Every sentence in this fic is enthralling, but I couldn't resist posting the lines that literally made my hair stood up because they were just so extraordinarily damn exquisite:

1. "They were taking it very slow but sometimes the rapid staccato beat of her heart warned her that even little is too much and she was doomed from the start."
2. "It wasn't the kisses that got to her sometimes, but all the things locked away behind his teeth. All the implications behind each gesture—the knowledge that he loved her, that he had risked everything for her including losing her too with the mountain of lies he built trying to keep her safe."
3. "But then something slick darted over her lips and it blazed tingles in its wake and suddenly that gentle warmth in her chest exploded into an inferno and it was like everything she felt for him that she had repressed for so long came bursting right through."

My gosh I felt my heart burst when I read those lines.
Again, thank you for this oneshot. One of the bests I've read.
Lollilollicandypop chapter 1 . 7/6/2019
This is short but gold! Hope to see you write more dc!
WieKawaii chapter 1 . 6/25/2019
I’m still wondering about that four little words Shinichi whispered her...
Though, this is so amazing! The first slow-paced has come into a tensed one, I wasn’t aware that I hold my breath while reading~
Would a couple of follow-ups be too much for you? Cause I need the continuation, lol...
Ku10-41 chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
This is a romantic literary masterpiece, it was so beautiful, I was riveted. Every little detail was so exquisitely crafted, it held me on and left me craving for more. Didn't know the DC fandom had a latent gem like you. You need to keep writing more for this community and for ShinRan.
hislips chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
Wow... it's so romantic. And almost poetic. It was so heavy with... Love.

It actually made me breathless, if that makes sense.

I love it.

Please make more. Please make more ShinRan fics!
11quee.nanne chapter 1 . 3/17/2019
that was hot love that you could write the scene well and detailed and makes me love ShinRan more 3
Anime Lady PIMP chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
I love it!
shinran19 chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
Loved it! Your first try about DC turned to be really cute and amazing.