Reviews for Fairy Tail: Way of the Ki
Guest-Questioner chapter 2 . 5/31/2019

Another grammar issue, If you can deal with that, i believe there shouldn't be further problem's.

At least that is what I am thinking.
Guest-Questioner chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
Mainly, You need to double check for grammar error's, and thats about it
dsrocker9230 chapter 2 . 3/17/2019
use ki to cover his fist for boxing , in feet for movement , rapid movement like sanji to creat fire around his body which ampify with ki , ki vibration for making your punches cutting sharp , ki mode like master roshi with bulk and speed , ki blast rapid shot ,ki blast rifil , ki bullet , ki style slicersharpening ki around particuler body part to gave cutting effect ), ki sword , ki dagger ,ki gauntlet ,ki for flying ,ki for cloning ,ki for telekinesis , Telikenesis can also freeze time if practiced hard or creat a techniqui like hit .
Zephyr47 chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Awesome! I love the concept you got going for this fanfic! A guy who can’t use magic trying to join Fairy Tail despite the odds. Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful journey. I love a good underdog story. I can’t wait for the next chapters! I would to see how you develop Mars to be the most determined son of a bitch (excuse the language) ever!