Reviews for I don't speak your language but please keep on talking…
LadyMaluHolmes chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
So cute! We all need more Hashirama love in our lives. Perhaps doing a Hashirama/OC next time? Hahaha thank you for the cute one-shot.
Tsukimine12 chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
This was sooooo cute
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
What a fun idea to explore...the meeting of Hashirama and Mito. I never much thought about language barriers in their ninja world but surely it wouldn't be too far fetched if there were not only cultural differences but language differences as well.

I like how the mere fact of reading feelings despite not knowing the meaning of words really gets through in this story and knowing these two end up together makes the story all the more innocently sweet. Thanks for sharing!
Marquise de Nile chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
This was SO CUTE! You gave me all the feels. Hashirama is so earnest and funny and just wonderful :) Young Mito just going off on her own to explore a foreign city is interesting too. Nice characterization of both :)

I like how despite the language barrier they're still able to communicate and that's because they try. They truly try to understand each other, they don't get impatient or mad, they just keep trying and it's working :) Body language has a huge part in communication. People don't talk with words alone, they talk with their whole being.

I imagine Hashirama will tell her his story again when she learns his language. This was a great idea for their first meeting and basically first date :)