Reviews for Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14
Thank you for continuing this. I randomly looked this up to see if it has been updated, and it was. I like the duo between the girls and it put a smile on my face.
TheMexicanAttcker chapter 4 . 4/6
Great chapter
IamSexuallyAttractedToPans chapter 3 . 2/17
Hello, I just wanted to know if this was discontinued or not. I want to follow it, but there's no point if it's over.
Wolcen chapter 3 . 11/19/2019
Does this mean Dabi and Rei are going to be on the same side? Woo this going to be great. Imagine everyone's reactions to two family members trying to kill Enaevor.
DragonshadowRyukage chapter 3 . 6/23/2019
I can't get the picture of an insane Rei kidnapping Shouto and babying him, even if he's prevented from leaving. If you like it, could you please make an Omake or something about that?
The bruh moment chapter 3 . 6/22/2019
This has a decent plot, but many things about it dont make sense. Why does rei immediately trust kurogiri after he talks like a normal, civilised human being? Why does rei want to get along with shigaraki? Why does the area around her have to be cold to make the ice? Why is everyone acting like theyve never seen an ice quirk other than todorokis before? You should try to make things in your story have a more solid reasoning behind them, or they wont make any sense. The heroes shouldnt be shocked by am ice quirk. Rei has no reason to trust kurogiri or want to get along with shigaraki. for this story to be better, it needs to make more sense
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 3 . 6/22/2019
I hope Dad Might punches Endeavor in the face.
a random boi chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
I really like this story so far. I always wanted to see a villain au of somebody other than Deku. As much as some of them are good, villain Deku is overused. I would kill to see stories like: Villain Ochako, Villain Momo, Villain Denki, Villain Toru, or just some villain oc fics. I have only seen one Villain Ochako ,which is now discontinued, and one Villain Denki which is still continued. If i had the creativity i would write one. I want you to continue this as much as you can, because this is a treasure in this archive for me. Not only that, but this story is actually interesting. I don't think anyone would have written a villain au of Shouto's Mom. But you did it and you are doing a fine job at it. This story has great potential and I'd hate to see that potential be wasted.
TheGunmaster chapter 2 . 4/29/2019
This is pretty much going to be the saddest, most tear-inducing shit ever ain’t it? I can hear the sobbing already...
TheDekuWhoLaughs chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
I hope Rei gets her revenge on Endeavor for all the shit he put her through. Excellent chapter:)
Marc Ello-Re Yes chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
Interesting. I've always wanted a deeper look at Mrs. Todoroki, or Rei in this case. I have a feeling that she will unintentionally begin to be "seduced by the dark side" the longer this story goes on. She doesnt want to harm anyone, but then she'll have to for a reason, and then it will just be a slippery slope from there. This will REALLY mess up Todoroki since he wants to be a hero and use his ice, but if he learns that his mother is using her ice for "evil" he will be torn to either use his fire her got from his bastard of a father or his ice from his now villainess of a mother.
white pedal chapter 1 . 3/4/2019
This is getting good! I wonder if she'll confront her parents about not believing her when Endeavor abused her and her kids? She needs closure and should be the one exact revenge on him since he ruined her life and her children's lives for the sake of his ego to beat Al-might.
Tim Curry's Toxic Love chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
I wanna ship Rei with either Kurogiri or Stain.

Also, I shudder to think of what will happen when Shoto finds out.
1freakshow chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
I’m so happy some made a story about Rei taking action for what happened for her and her kids. I wish you good luck on your next update
genaralraam chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
I got chills reading this (pun intended) but seriously this story's got potential.
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