Reviews for Home
A Professional Protagonist chapter 1 . 3/31
Awesome work! Love the intensity of their emotions. Seems very in character to start having a fight and end up declaring their love.
c.karen09 chapter 1 . 2/24
Very well done. Thank you very much!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
If this Romione oneshot is not perfect I don't know what is it. It was fucking beautiful and brilliant and I just wanna post the review to read it all over again and again and again because this little story is one of the best post DH/war Romione I've read. The characters are so canon that it blown my mind. Hope you never stop writing about these two!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
You're really good at capturing Ron and Hermione's personalities. They feel very true to themselves in your stories, and I love their dialogue.
rwong chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
Just read this again and love it more than ever! Wanna let you know there are so many favourite lines for me, and the angst in the first part of the story was so really well built. “An old, cast aside fear rose up inside him, surveying the situation what could this mean, then? She thought they might drift apart, that she could?”
Then comes a line that resonate loudly in me, one that I allowed myself to stop and read a few times more, to savour the intense feeling of love, before continuing... “It had taken mere moments to understand, after that first kiss, to feel how much they’d held back. But now, it would take an eternity to get enough of it.” I love it so much! Behind these words the depth of the meaning is ENORMOUS.
And then he said “You’re my life” and “I’m doing promises” my heart stopped at those words!
“When? How long ago could we have been together? And how much time did I waste?” Oh my heart!
“It was oddly almost impossible to recall how he’d held back from kissing her in the past, now that he was doing it all the timeHe was bloody eighteen, and he already knew who he was going to spend the rest of his life with, and it was staggering in the dark night, a forceful realisation that didn’t feel frightening or unbelievable, strangely. It was that sense of correctness, like seeing a checkmate on the chess board sever moves from the end.”
Sorry that I have to copy all these BEAUTIFUL lines, word by word. They are just incredible. The whole story is. Thank you so much for it! And I have to echo the other reviewer here, that now we need the story about what happened in the prefect bathroom an hour after the war! Please!
nxdeed chapter 1 . 3/20/2019
Ugly crying in the work breakroom.
A beautiful fic, thank you for sharing.
Mochithatdarncat chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Well obviously now I need a story about the prefects bathroom an hour after the Battle of Hogwarts!

Excellent work, as always!
Al69 chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
Omg this is perfect, I will always be amazed by your talent to write them, their connection, dialogue... it’s just so them I love it! And I loved the fact that it’s in an early stage of their relationship :)
LillyMay77 chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
Sweet one shot! Loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
Simply beautiful. Thank you very much!
ObsessedRHShipper chapter 1 . 3/4/2019
Loved that there was a misunderstandingwho would they be if they didn’t have one, but they didn’t let it sit and slowly talked it through.

Love the likes about books and him asking her to move even with Hogwarts just around the corner for her.
I knit Weasley Jumpers chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
Gorgeous! I loved reading it in fluff fest, and will probably love reading it many more times when in need of a perfect dose of smut/fluff. One tiny observation... us Brits don’t generally use “gotten”. I’d expect R&H to say “got” instead.
banzi chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Wonderful story.
ykickamoocow111 chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
That is such a nice story. Feels very believable.

I also love Hermione's confession. That is something Ron would appreciate more than anything since he knows Hermione is obsessed with books.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
Fluffy ending!
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