Reviews for Talons, Traitors and Turtles
Tori657 chapter 11 . 5/24
I’m actually in love with your writing! Good job on updating and fixing the chapters! They were great before, but I love how they flow and how much more work you put into them! Shows how much you love this! Haha! You captured their characters so well! Can’t wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 11 . 5/21
oof they r in big trouble Oo
zaylo267 chapter 9 . 4/23
Well, it is still well written XD I do understand about rewriting all the time XD
zaylo267 chapter 8 . 3/5
What the hell is that creepy thing OO hope ralph is fine...
Fihi chapter 6 . 8/7/2019
Woah! This chapter was a ride!
You asked for some criticism on the fight scenes but I really don't have anything to complain about. I like fight scenes that are just complicated enough that I know what's happening and don't need to stop to figure out what I just read. I think it's better to focus on the feeling than the action. Especially in this case because it is a battle within Leo.
I'm starting to get really curious as to how and why this creature from the real world is plaguing Leo's dreams - or why the creature from Leo's dreams is in the real world...
Also Leo's "conscience voice" is really confusing and interesting. In some instances I even felt like I heard the voice as Raph's and not Leo's. But not what real Raph would say but what Leo subconsciously thinks Raph would say. Idk. Just a thought.
And what's with the lizard imposters?
Ahh so many questions!
And I'm also getting kinda concerned for Raph and Casey. IF Leo even receives the sos, how the heck are they going to track a dead phone? D:
Fihi chapter 5 . 8/7/2019
Yes yes yes! Those two were way over their head. And for the whole chapter i felt like I was watching a car crash happen in slow motion with a sadistic smile. Casey got hurt. Now I need Raph to get HUUURT WOOORSE! Am I okay? Yes, I'm actually a very nice and friendly person. Nothing to worry here. Raph is my favorite turtle. w

The comparison of Splinter and Saki to Raph and Leo was cool! It's something I like being pointed out. But opposite to popular belief I think Raph is more like Splinter and Leo more like Saki, personality wise. That thought was pretty much cemented for me in the episode where they time travel to Japan.

I love this mutant OC you created. It's so disturbingly brilliant! I also really liked the parts that were written from its perspective. It made the disaster that was coming that more unsettling.

Thanks for sharing!
Fihi chapter 4 . 8/6/2019
Okay this chapter was freaking awesome! Why do I get a feeling that that encounter is going to end badly. And why do I get the feeling that Raph forgot his phone on Casey's bed? I'm so anxious to read the next chapter now! I think you ended this one with the perfect line. :D
Fihi chapter 3 . 8/5/2019
Another great chapter! I think you did well with the brothers' personalities. And now I'm assuming we won't see Raph as soon as Leo hopes. I'm excited.
Fihi chapter 2 . 8/5/2019
Ooo i suspect that things are about to get interesting. I loved the way you write the brothers' relationship. It has more of a season 1 and 2 feel to it. Which are my favorite seasons.
Thanks for sharing!
Fihi chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
Great start!
I really like your storytelling. I got me very invested very quickly. I felt like a kid listening to my uncle begin telling an epic tale, lmao. Maybe not quite like that but I think you get the general idea :D
Lala chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Good start, cant wait for more!
ViolaTheGlaceon chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
I understand that Leo is the leader and all, but damn Splinter! He is still your SON! He still needs guidance from you, and you brush him off like that?

*coughs* Anyways, this story is coming off strong - an awesome strong. I can’t wait until your next update, and my heart is with you Leo! You might need it!
efarraiz chapter 1 . 2/24/2019