Reviews for Awaken
moonstar31548 chapter 1 . 1/19
This was great. Enjoyed reading it.
senlws chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Thank you,! I wish the story happen like this also!
queennicolee chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
Amazing loved it!
Kaname671 chapter 1 . 3/5/2019
Lovely just lovely. I finally found time to read this one and enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for sharing your story and relieving me of all the angst left from last Chpt 267.
persephonekyoko chapter 1 . 3/4/2019
A wonderful imagining! It would take Nakamura-sensei three years to give us this
Maria chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
Aww that was beautiful. Very similar that what is in my head as well. and well, my hopes.
Blackdraumdancer chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
Thank you for this little story :) that chapter really is quite heart-wrenching'
I really hope it'll turn out something like this in the manga as well, but knowing Nakamura-sensei this situation will probably take a while to get resolved
I hope you're doing well and it always makes me very happy to see a mail alert for a story of yours :D
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
You have sewn my heart back together after that chapter ripped it to shreds thank you
Gladys Ashenbert chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
OMG! I haven't read a great fanfic for a while and this was such a fantastic read~ So thanks for sharing!

I really love your writing and the preciseness of the words just pierces me and kills me. I LOOOVE IT.
I really loved everything: plot, development, and the end.
Some of the sentences are still echoing in my mind as they were written beautifully.

I'm looking forward to read more stories from you.
valie france chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Mon dieu MERCI DE TOUT MON COEUR ! tu as su me redonner le sourire avec ton histoire ! j'étais en colère , j'ai pleuré , je me suis dit que j'allais arrêter de lire le manga tant il ne va pas dans le sens de l'amour entre REN et KYOKO . J'en peux plus d'attendre. ALORS ton fanfiction me comble de bonheur , tu écris si bien ; tu aurais pu continuer encore et encore ... MERCI à TOI .
ELinkA chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
How I love everything you write! Thank you, after the last chapter I really needed it
cbug1981 chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Once again your writing really grabs me. I like the way your story went better. Sometimes I just want to strangle everyone in SkipBeat. Thank you for sharing.
MWEH chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
I can't decide whether I think it's fitting or dangerous that Kuon trained with a MMA-fighter when he first arrived... but very enjoyable chapter other than that. Such a cute ending, that makes me happy :3
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
So good loved it
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