Reviews for Kronos's Revenge
AlEmily360 chapter 6 . 7/1
Love this! Can’t wait for the next update!
AlEmily360 chapter 5 . 7/1
Ahahahaha! This chapter is funny! Love the story!
Darth Erebus chapter 6 . 4/27
This is absolutely wonderful. I write about someone who is stuck in the past too, and it's nice to see that someone else has written a character who doesn't just automatically assume things about time. Like, it seem - to me, at least - that Percy is very much questioning what his situation means for him, and the greater world around him. It's awesome to see!

You write both olderPercy and Thalia so well that their interactions are incredibly believable. A lot of FF writers tend to over play the kelp head's 'stupidity', when in fact, when one looks back at the main story, he's NEVER 'dumb'. He just tends to play mental backseat to Annabeth, whose a daughter of Athena, and makes everyone look like a mental simp. Anyway, I love it, and I love your style of writing. It's well done, and written in an almost anthology-esc feel. Can't wait to see more friend! Stay safe, and stay healthy!
In love, Erebus
Insert Valid Author Name chapter 6 . 4/20
This is absolutely wholesome. I love every word you've typed. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story!
Weebshitt chapter 1 . 4/20
Percy language lol great chapter.
BethnPercy chapter 6 . 4/19
I really like this story so far and can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. I kinda wish that older Annabeth could go back in time. Don't you? I think it's a great idea. *Wink wink*
Anyways yeah im patiently waiting for more
MooseWithAGoose chapter 6 . 4/18
Perzoe would be cool, I don’t think a Perlia would work with how they see each other as sibling relationship. But I always kinda saw Zoe as one of those possible what ifs type of things
ZigzagSyzergy chapter 6 . 4/18
This is made my day. THREE CHAPTERS? I am very very impressed.
LilacSquid chapter 1 . 3/22
The amount of possibilities in this. Also, love a good crack fic, and this is well on its way to becoming a good one
Jaybird9876 chapter 3 . 4/19/2019
Loving this story
ThelittleKing chapter 3 . 4/13/2019
Definitely sounds interesting... Percy seems badass as well, props to you. I'm guessing it's Percy/Thalia? Personally I'd like it to be slow, and not them getting together after like 3 days. Seems a bit more realistic yknow. Perhaps just some tension between them. Also can't wait for Artemis/ the hunters and other gods reactions to an extremely strong and invulnerable Percy.
JJC24 chapter 3 . 3/26/2019
I like it so far, keep up the good work
TheSuperMario chapter 3 . 3/24/2019
Really am hoping for WTF moments that just causes outright silliness that not even the most serious of gods and primordials can escape from.
BlueWafflesFTW chapter 3 . 3/24/2019
*Sniff* Very adorable fluff moments. Not much happened action wise, but it's nice to see these fluff moments :)
xoxo Sweetie chapter 3 . 3/24/2019
hmm, Ruby. The chapter 3 is the same as chapter 2... But love this story. Percy the troll is the best. And Percy sr an Percy jr trolling together will be epic. Poor, poor poseidon.
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