Reviews for Better Late Than Never
derekctomlinson chapter 1 . 6/11
lol rouge hissing shouting at her husband remy lebeau there's no reason for you to have called the fire department or send my profile to food network worst cooks in america
AmberLady42 chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Awwww. I just loved this. It's nice to see them have adorably cute and sexy moments together that don't make it into the comic. (And we all know they are like that together). This is a great intro for MM6 because we all know there was something going on with them hastily getting dressed and Rogue being so annoyed at Bobby being on time. Who even does that, lol? Ok, I would have been that person back in the day, but I've learned that you only start getting ready to go to a party around the time it's supposed to start!

And know we know why Remy wasn't cooking too. It all makes sense now.

I hope they decide to have their after party before they decide to open that last, mysterious gift.
Lifeseverchanging chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
Ludi, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for such a beautiful fic. This was a perfect insert to the pre-party Tumblr post I made about our newly weds trying to share some additional naughty time we did not get to see on panel. I loved so much about this story... the addition of the CATS was adorable and the fact you allowed me to pick the song Anna is humming (and I chose one of the rarest songs I don't think anyone who knows me would have seen coming - I head canon this song would have been their perfect wedding tune) just all the more special to me. You wrote everything in so wonderfully.

I love their banter, the way they play with each other and no matter the situation how their chemistry cannot be denied.

This perfectly explains why Rogue was extra nasty to Bobby in issue #6! The nerve of that guy being on time to a party he more than likely wrote a bike to! Such a cock blocker! haha...

You are amazing my dear and I am honored you wrote this incredible piece for my birthday.

There aren't enough words to express my gratitude.
PKS chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
This was super cute Ludi, loved it!
AppleJacks1552 chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
I love and support this headcannon that they were fooling around before the party, the evidence squarely supports it! ; ) And also that Rogue isn't much of a cook! I love when they cook together though. A very sweet and deliciously fluffy tale and as always incredibly descriptive. I also enjoyed the change in points of view halfway through.
jpraner chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
I knew the doorbell was gonna save this from being rated M lol. Nice to see you writing...I'm enjoying the freedom to be whimsical that this new cannon status of our power couple allows. I think you file the edges off of Rogue here a little...she was super annoying in that issue. But I guess migraines will do that to you.
Warrior-princess1980 chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
bustedflipflop chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
This is canon.
Jehilew chapter 1 . 2/20/2019

Anyway, I love how you captured dumbass Rogue in all her glorious insecurity, cuz that is exactly how she is. Feeling like she just can’t do it, so she huffs and she puffs, and she tries to blow Remy away...which she abstDOES, just not in the way she initially tries for;) And bless him, he KNOWS how to diffuse her cantankerous ass, lmao. And then, naturally, she goes into sultry siren mode, which he readily spins in his favor. Ugh, I love it! And fuckin’ BOOBY, anyway...

Anyway, so yeah, I love the emotion, the passion, and how in character you have them. They read so easily, I can HEAR them thinking! Beautifully done, my friend, and happy birthday to BB! (Where are the gd emojis? I need all the emojis to express myself. Especially the heart and heart eyes and squirts and eggplant and peach...)