Reviews for Fate Strange Dragon
Cheesecake244351 chapter 2 . 7/29
Well well well, looks as if the DxD world is having a heart attack with Sieg's introduction. A random dragon showing up in the mundane world, to the collective headache of faction leaders.

Loving how this is being setup. I had a laugh at the siscon being defeated by a bunch of paperwork.

So Sieg is as strong as Albion and Ddraig, I can get that with how it's implied that Fate!Fafnir gets stronger with each incarnation. I wonder if Azazel will tell the others that there are two Fafnirs now.

Tiamat with Sieg, she'll probably notice he feels like Fafnir but I have a feeling she would find out he is only a few weeks old at most. If she does she'll likely try to act as a mother and adopt him since Sieg is quite literally an overgrown hatchling. Would love to see Sieg meeting the other dragons like Tannin and DxD!Fafnir, Sieg while strong is incredibly inexperienced so someone training him would help a lot.
Peroroncino chapter 2 . 7/25
Bro how long will it take for you to update this it has been half a year and still no Updates ...I would just like to know if your still gonna continue this or not cuz this has a very big be on like top 10 crossover fanfiction ...just pls if possible pls continue to update this story
KPmine1 chapter 2 . 6/23
ArgenSayanUi chapter 2 . 6/17
I loved it! Please write the next!
Roxas Strife chapter 2 . 6/9
Good fic, I hope you really continue it, since it is rare to see Sieg as a protagonist of a fic
camilo navas chapter 2 . 6/9
Continue, please
Jose19 chapter 2 . 6/5
I hope Sieg regains his Human form or will create a great deal of trouble for him.
OctZ chapter 1 . 5/28
I just thought of something funny in regards to Sieg’s age. If it is not cleared up that Sieg wasn’t born a dragon and was originally grown in a lab and subject to an accelerated growth, the revelation of how old Sieg is would be terrifying to most of the DxD world. This is due to the fact that since this is picking up right after Sieg left for the reverse side he is AT MOST A FEW MONTHS OLD. If people don’t have the context of him not being born a dragon, him being as powerful as he is at that age would be terrifying since things tend to get bigger and stronger as they get older and Sieg is already a comparable level to Albion and Ddraig at less than a year old.
Warlord of Chaos chapter 2 . 5/16
Heh if the blue dragon is Tiamat, I wonder what will be her reaction when she notice that the big dragon who is trying way to hard to appear as an dignified/wise being but can barely talk like an old being (like in fgo apocrypha event, where he tried to talk like gramps but gave up when he saw that he was only messing up) is actually an newborn dragon.

I wonder if this is going to wake her mama dragon instincts.

Can't wait to see what gonna happen next.
MysticRising chapter 2 . 5/16
This is really interesting. I love how seig accidently caused so much trouble for the magical societies exposing magic like that.
TJGP chapter 2 . 5/14
I like the idea a lot, keep going.
coronadomontes chapter 2 . 5/13
Just some guy chapter 2 . 5/11
just so you know i agree with Guest-Questioner but other that that continue the story please.
Journey to the End chapter 2 . 5/11
I hope Fate Jeanne gets to reunite with Sieg in this story.
T-B-R chapter 2 . 5/11
and he came in like a wreeeecking baaaal!
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