Reviews for Warrior
Madgor chapter 29 . 4/11
Wow... I wish I was better at telling you what parts touched me the most. I find a lot more depth in the word warrior than hero and I love that description for Steph. Great way to tie it all together with the title. Hope she will find her healing through it all. I think you write wonderfully and this is one of the best stories I’ve read. Thank you! And excuse my English, it’s my second language.
Madgor chapter 25 . 4/11
I really enjoy Alex and the layers of Ranger’s emotions. I find it impressive how you can put all of this together like this.
Madgor chapter 18 . 4/10
I really appreciated the add instructions to why Tank is doing this. I thoroughly enjoyed the part on wants vs needs. You are doing so well! I am trying to slow my pace to really savor the chapter because it’s so good but I can’t contain myself :)
Madgor chapter 11 . 4/10
Wow the section about ones sexuality being respected and body got me thinking a lot. This is amazing how you touch on deep and important subjects. The confrontation in Tank’s office was powerful, fantastic.
Madgor chapter 7 . 4/10
This is so good! I really feel Steph’s pain and relate to my own trauma and troubles. Aren’t we all walking around with baggage still affections is in some way. I don’t know how you can create such a depth to the characters and I love all the details. Amazing and well done!
shellbell78 chapter 29 . 4/9
Awesome update! I’ve loved this story from the beginning! I’m sad to see it coming to an end.
ChristinaS chapter 29 . 4/9
This is fantastic. Everybody got theirs. And Stephanie is committed to investing in her health and wellbeing. And the guys gave had cathartic moments, too!
Thank you so much for this wonderful story. Thank you especially, for powering through life's distractions, and coming back to us!
Be well!
daxandpat chapter 29 . 4/8
They have all earned this HEA.
Vulcan Rider chapter 29 . 4/7
My heart goes out to Angie, as a parent of a child who committed suicide. The questions will drive you crazy until you finally just accept that it was a choice they made and nothing that you did. What Stephanie said to Angie, and did in remembrance of Joe's service with the TPD was so touching, especially after the part he had in causing her so much hurt and pain. In the end, he was his own worst enemy and got caught out by his affair with a mob princess.

Ranger's words to Steph were so touching, too. It truly finally sounds like she's shed years of hurt piled on top of hurt, and accepted that her life was worth living. I'm so glad that she finally has the support that she was missing for the past year before Ranger returned. Who would have thought that his best friend and 2IC would have conspired to take over his business and kill the woman Ranger loved. The woman he blamed for Ranger's downfall (in his eyes). I'm so glad that Ranger and Bobby have seen the warrior in her, and that she had Hector during the year to keep her from taking the easy way out. She IS a warrior. Ranger had it right.
Outstanding chapter to an outstanding story.
Maggie M.
Caren47 chapter 29 . 4/7
Love strong Steph stories and love that she is beginning to love accept and love herself.
GarbanzoBeans chapter 29 . 4/7
After everything that happened and Joe's suicide it only seemed fitting that the major villain in this story had a short uneventful capture. I so love the beginning of Stephanie and Carlos starting there someday forever together at the beach. How you and I can't wait to read how their life path is going to go.
Fiarillo chapter 29 . 4/7
Strength, growth from the pain. Sad to see this end,
melyons chapter 29 . 4/6
Nicely evocative writing. And it reminds me of one of my favourite movies, Galaxy Quest. Never give up. Never surrender.
baileygirl12 chapter 29 . 4/6
Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us.a great story.
JudoMom chapter 29 . 4/6
Nice conclusion, hope they get their life together with some distance from the Burg.
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