Reviews for Fortuitous
Drsquirrel chapter 13 . 9/29
This was amazing! Seriously, I was tearing up reading the last chapter. And that thank you for racking on the epilogue so it didn’t end on such a sad note (even though it was a perfect ending for this story).
sofyyeah chapter 12 . 7/28
Its almost 2:30 in the morning and Im crying my eyes out, and have to stop myself from going into my sons room and just hug them forever. Such a heartbraking, but beautiful story
Serennos chapter 13 . 7/26
Thank you for a very engaging and wonderful story...
applelam145 chapter 13 . 7/24
Really enjoyed reading this
mockingjay-x chapter 13 . 7/7
I had a feeling that this would be an emotional rollercoaster, and I was not wrong. I’ve spent this evening sucked into this completely, and the tears started flowing freely towards the end. (My cat even came to sit with me to comfort me.)
Thank you for writing this, and all your other incredible Dramione works too.
MWolfe13 chapter 13 . 6/22
This story was such a trip and so beautiful. I loved the family dynamics going on and I was a sobbing mess with the last few chapters. As a mom, I can’t explain how emotional Astoria’s actions were for me to read. You don’t ever want to imagine NOT being there as your child grows up and Ahhhh, I can’t. Just know, this was so good and I loved it.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/17
This story was just perfect! Such a good slow burn, and so many tears.
Granger Danger 23 chapter 13 . 5/10
This was absolutely amazing.
akire26 chapter 12 . 5/8
I cannot remember when a story moved me so much. My throat was in my chest and my eyes burned. I loved every chapter and I felt them very real.
Kelsey441 chapter 13 . 5/3
This was utterly wonderful. I loved the forgiveness between Hermione, Draco, Astoria, and Theo.
Kelsey441 chapter 11 . 5/3
I love Ron in this chapter.
Kelsey441 chapter 9 . 5/3
That dialogue between Draco and Hermione at the end was fantastic.
Kelsey441 chapter 3 . 5/1
Swooning. I love an intense-over-Hermione Malfoy.
emiiholderz chapter 13 . 4/28
Thank you.
This was a fantastic read.
kazbrekkers chapter 1 . 4/24
Rereading for the third time cause its just too good!
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