Reviews for Silent Treatment
HowlynMad chapter 5 . 11/19/2019
An interesting premise to have a mute character as a lead, it's difficult to pull off but you've managed to keep the story flowing. I assume though Harley isn't going to stay mute so where will we go...
emotional.heathen chapter 6 . 5/28/2019
Please please please create a sequel your writing is amazing!¡
Gemstar24 chapter 6 . 4/26/2019
This was a lot of fun to read! I really enjoyed your take on Harley and your Joker was spot on! I’d love to read more of them together! Thanks so much for writing it.
jokergrl chapter 6 . 4/13/2019
nooooo that can't be the end!
lilypadsapien chapter 6 . 4/13/2019
Way to end it on a high. Spectacular. I would like more, but if you leave it there, it's just as great.
lala3366 chapter 6 . 4/9/2019
Omg! I love this! I would hate it to end here but it’s your story, do as you please. I would love to read more if you can or want to. I would love to see the Joker’s reaction to her being alive, and what Harley would do, be safe with Pamnot that it’s good or bad to stay, just a choice) or go with the joker (I would prefer bc it would be interesting to see how that would work out) plus I ship joker and Harley so naturally I want them to be together. If it ends here I’d be fine but if you do decide to write a sequel or just continue it, I’m all in. I’d stay to the end ni matter how you decide to end it. I just love this version of them! Thank you for it!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/7/2019
amazing. So glad she wasn’t killed, Pams amazing ;). If you ever do think to write a sequel, and there’s a lot of ways you could go with it, I’d 100% read it. Reading about the Joker seeing her alive again and his reaction to her would be great. Thank you for this :).
KsELOr chapter 6 . 4/7/2019
Don't do this to me
I need more
I beg you
KsELOr chapter 5 . 4/6/2019
I'm waiting for more
I want to see what is actually going on
jokergrl chapter 5 . 4/5/2019
Poor Mister J.
lilypadsapien chapter 5 . 4/5/2019
You are evil to leave me hanging like that. She can't be dead, right. Cause Pam said she'll pick her up in the morning?
Guest chapter 5 . 4/5/2019
oh my god, I really didn’t expect that! Is she really alive? Tell me it’s a trick! Is it the last chapter?
the-quiet-girl chapter 4 . 4/5/2019
really enjoying your joker and Harley a lot... Just died through all the current chapters and wanted you to know I live your different take on harleens backstory a lot xxx
Guest chapter 4 . 3/31/2019
update soon
jokergrl chapter 4 . 3/31/2019
i like her new backstory its interesting. still digging this
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