Reviews for Picking Up Where We Left Off
someheartslove chapter 1 . 7/23
And we all needed to read it!
SharonS chapter 1 . 2/17
Thank you!
you'vegotthis chapter 1 . 2/2
Onajaunt chapter 1 . 2/2
One more thing...and then another and another and another...
I love your writing. I keep rereading them all.
ICCA chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Must have missed this one the first time around. I have to agree 100% with iHaz as I've always thought that he "forgave" her too quickly and she wouldn't have done the same if the situations were reversed. She did only go to him because of the files. he character assassination, that began mid-S4 and only became worse after that, to both these characters (by the Castle writers) was shameful. Your writing is fine but Rise is not and never will be one of my favorite episodes.
iHaz chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
‘We broke up.’ Yup. That totally justifies the 3 month long silence and the blatant disregard for Castle’s feelings. Only when she needed the files did she come back and with a few ambiguous statements about walls Castle went back to the precinct like a loyal puppy.

Reverse the roles and see how Beckett would never even listen to a word Castle would say. But then again, the writers wrote her as a hypocrite in that sense.

Anyway, that’s just a rant and has nothing to do with your writing. You’re a great one!
onajaunt chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
Oh, I do wish you'd keep writing. I love what you write. I love *how* you write. Thank you for all you've shared with us.
natters chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
Good fic
The Introverted Extrovert chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
Love this!
M chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Can you write fic if i give you idea?
SJCI chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Great to see you writing again! I've recently started re-watching Castle and diving back into fanficition. This was great and really captured the emotion of the moment.
AngelLonginus chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
I’m sooo glad you needed to write one more thing. Welcome back, Chez! This was fantastic!. I have missed your writing. Will you pretty please write more than one more thing. You write Caskett so beautifully! Thanks so much!
glo1196 chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
I hope you write many more “one more things” for this couple. Your writing has always made them more real to me. Thank you, and please keep writing them!
Docnerd89 chapter 1 . 2/14/2019
You can write as many one more things as you’d like. It’s delightful seeing pre-couple AUs from you even now. Those have always been my favourite to read, and I do usually favour your writing. Thanks for sharing it! x
Jokin chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
Loved this story. Please continue to write for us. We need you and so does Caskett. You are one of the best writers in the fandom and we can't loose you. And yes I know how selfish I sound. Can't help it. Not sorry.
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