Reviews for Concubine
Sparti28 chapter 5 . 6/12
All your stories are amazing
Sparti28 chapter 5 . 6/12
I enjoyed reading this story! Thank you for sharing!
Kimera225 chapter 5 . 5/26
Well written, but kinda sounds like Lucy has stockholm syndrome
ToukaKaneki.Ulle chapter 5 . 5/9
Omg new chapter pls .. I really like this story.. Thank you for updating it
Person chapter 5 . 4/27
I’m weirdly happy for them. ...Like they were unexpectedly fluffy and it was really cute. Thank you for this experience!
Qisthzy chapter 5 . 4/12
That end beautifully and so great! I’m happy for NaLu 333 Hope it more longer, wanted to see when they making love/mating and have their own family :D thx for writing this brilliant and wonderful NaLu
Qisthzy chapter 1 . 4/12
Interesting NaLu with Lucy and Etherious Natsu. Count me in :D
Guest chapter 5 . 2/22
waaaaaah. this is so beautiful... Can't wait to read your other stories.
Uchida Akira chapter 5 . 1/7
Amazing story... Loved it. Another one with more defying Lucy?
Guest chapter 5 . 11/24/2019
Ha! Don’t end it here, I totally wanna see Lucy pregnant with his child and what that does to Natsu
L.O Mary May chapter 5 . 10/30/2019
Guest chapter 5 . 10/28/2019
Sequel please
DevilHippy chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
Interesting I like the idea of a more demonic Natsu looking forward to see where you take the story. :)
valerioux chapter 5 . 10/28/2019
I really enjoyed and it was a good ending. It was a pretty unusual situation that Lucy found herself in and even tho she was forced into it and felt that she had no choice in the beginning, I like that Natsu gave her more freedom and that help Lucy regain some control and made her decision
FlameDragonHime chapter 5 . 10/28/2019
I love the ending as I'm always a fan of darker stories. I feel like Natsu of course manipulated Lucy but she obviously cared for him at the end too. It's messed up but I love it damn
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