Reviews for We Are Deku (My Version)
TyTylerBarela100 chapter 1 . 7/10
Can it have a ship.
JustAWriterForFun123 chapter 8 . 8/1/2019
Lots of grammar mistakes for this one. Not your best chapter, I cringe a lot during your dialogue. It just doesn't fit. Also it's Hero Course not Hero Agency. Maybe ask the original author for dialogue tips, might help.
Blackout99 chapter 4 . 7/25/2019
HA! DEADPOOL REFERENCE! )the dubstep thing, he once blasted Carnage with it I think)
Altering Kreation chapter 3 . 6/5/2019
Hi Deuxdude55!

Thank you for sharing your story with the world! Honestly. it cracked me up. I enjoyed that far more than I thought I would. It was hilarious.

Although I wasn't a fan of the minimalist approach you took in describing the scene, the characters, and what was going on, now that was my favourite part. Becuase as someone who's obsessed with BNHA, I've got the episode practically memorized so when you give little prompts, I can very very easily follow along. The way it was written was like rewatching the series in my head with your revisions. It was effortless to imagine, probably incomprehensible to someone who's never seen the series, and you wasted no time telling me stuff I already know. Honestly fantastic.

I think a reason why it works so well for two reasons. Firstly, you aligned well with the plot of the original anime which made it easy to follow along. You even managed to make the beginning fit seamlessly into the original cannon.

Secondly, you stayed very true to the characters of the original. Deku is all righteous and heroic, Uraraka is cute and nauseous, Bakugo is explosive and angry, and ALL MIGHT IS AMAZING. Ahhhh the way you did All Might literally made me die. I share a flat with eight people, the walls are thin, and my flatmate was telling me to shut up through the wall because I was laughing so much at night. "THE FRIDGE MAKES ONE HECK OF A CHAIR." That was the new "I'll use trusty frying pan as a DRYING PAN (Brock from original Pokemon anime in case you didn't get that)." Honestly, gold.

I like the way the symbiote is so opposite of Deku. He challenges Deku to toughen up and stand up for himself, and I kinda hope there'll be some character development where they learn from each other and meet in the middle more. Also I feel like the Quirk is a lot like Dark Shadow, so I hope him and Tokoyami become bros.

The symbiote really worked in the context of the world too. Like the way Uraraka reacted to him was exactly how I think she would, Bakugo saying the quirk was just ugly and talked shit was exactly how he'd have bullied him, and omg when he "took the wheel" to talk to Uraraka, I lost it.

Fabulous job. Thank you for sharing this with the world! I can't wait to read more!

QWERTY chapter 7 . 5/12/2019
This fanfiction is great! I hope you keep up the good work. This version is as good as the first! I hope you post the next one soon. Also, when is the UA sports festival going to be added into this series?
colinot chapter 2 . 5/7/2019
Je viens de commencer et il me viens une idée (je ne sais pas si tu as déjà couvert l'USJ et je ne veux pas me sploil) nomurégénérationcerveau exposébuffet à volonté pour symbiote.
DeathPaladin chapter 2 . 3/27/2019
Just FYI, it's not serotonin the symbiotes need. It's phenethylamine.
BlackBlade567 chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
Hey it’s me, the original writer. I don’t recall giving permission for you to adopt the story, I have no problems with it but maybe next time get confirmation first? Good job on rewriting some parts of the story though. Hope it turns out better for you than it did for me.
Raphaim chapter 6 . 2/6/2019
a few errors but this is pretty good so far. keep up the good work.
JLR01 chapter 5 . 1/29/2019
Interesting Story! Also, does that mean Symbiote & Dark Shadow will be friends? Will this mean Tokoyami changing how he thinks of Dark Shadow as not just his Quirk, but a partner?
Pollexx chapter 3 . 1/29/2019
Awesome! Can't wait to see were this goes! (But if you need time, I totally understand.)