Reviews for Lie With the Devil
Guest chapter 24 . 3/11
I don't know who left the mean comment, but I'm here to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and that even with its few (and extremely forgiveable) little mistakes here and there, its a great read and has been one of my favorite /back story AU/ fairy tail stories. So thank you for reposting it, so I could have the pleasure of finding it.
Guest chapter 24 . 3/14/2019
I hope you continue I truly love this story. If not it is a decent place to end I think.
GlassMoutains chapter 24 . 1/29/2019
I enjoyed this. It’s hard to be a writer. It’s even harder to be satisfied with what you’ve created. But you learn as you go. I think you’re a great writer. Does this have a continuation? I’d love to read more. I like that it showed the confusion of adolescence. The unsure steps we all take. Like your story, we all make mistakes. I don’t believe your story is one of them.
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 24 . 1/26/2019
Did you make any changes to this repost?