Reviews for Choices
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Great! I too liked Gina and I appreciate the different path. I jumped into Castle sometime in the second season after catching up with previous episodes. The chemistry was captivating but it was difficult to accept the different treatment of the characters for the very things you addressed here. I love Caskett but this story was enjoyable!
Jennifer Rai chapter 1 . 8/15/2019
I loved this story. I wish there were more Castle/Gina stories out there. This was amazing work.
PAM H chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Perfgen chapter 1 . 2/27/2019
3 boxes of tissues. A new record!
Ellen Outlaw chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
OMG! That was a hard story to read but it was a great one. More believable than what was in the show. Congratulations.
Manxkid chapter 1 . 1/27/2019
What a brilliantly written alternative story. It was wholly believable and realistic. I appreciate if all you want is Caskett it would disappoint but I did enjoy the story very much- your writing is very persuasive- thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
I finally made it thru your epic tome. I found it to be a very realistic inside into what could have and very likely would have happen in real life. Your version of Kate Beckett is more inline with how she treated Castle on the show. Considering how she treated people your ending is spot on.
Larry Holmes chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Wonderful...absolutely superb! Thanks.
TORONTOSUN chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Tough break for Kate but any of the many times she insulted and belittled Rick could have been the final straw. She never really did (on camera) make up for all her insults and invalid assumptions about Rick.

Nice to see Gina get a second chance. I especially liked the idea that she and Alexis remained in contact and the way the effects of Rick’s post-Meredith protectiveness affected his first marriage with Gina. Both surfacing what went wrong and actively fixing it. Now that I write that comment maybe it was Rick who got the second chance with Gina as much or more than the other way around?

At the beginning, I was a little sad for Paula never getting her chance! But overall I liked it.
castlefan6 chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Caskett Always,

Thanks for your thoughts, your review was respectful, and I acknowledge some facts you bring up it was a love story, but I took a request from a reader and turned it into What Could have Happened, sometimes, well IMO the series was disjointed, they would be fighting like hell, or she was about to tell, or another crisis with one or the other, in real life we probably deal with the mundane events more than those our heroes faced, As a man, if i had the money Rick did, even if I loved a woman, my pride and my ego would never let me be treated the way it was portrayed, and as the old song says Love the one you're with. I remember my Master's class where someone did a research on Love as an emotion, and it was found that as deeply in love as couples were, so was the level of hatred when things didn't work out.

I appreciate you reading, but most of all I appreciate a respectful review who didn't like it, proving you don't have to be an ARSE if you don't agree, just state it politely and most writers will appreciate it, Thanks for the time
Caskett Always chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Not expecting my thoughts to be published, but here I go.

The Caskett love story was the result of two individuals who had their share of flaws and poor timing. But the one enduring and non negotiable thing they shared, was their love for each other. Of course they didn't arrive at the same place in terms of acknowledging those feelings but when they did it was for all Caskett fans magic.

I honestly don't recognise these characters that have using the same names as the show. It's a writers prerogative to create their own storyline of course, but why are all your stories of a Beckett who is basically unlikable? It's almost like you have written each character amplifying their less endearing qualities, in particular Beckett. Did you not enjoy the Caskett storyline? Did you not enjoy the show?

Anyway, these are your words and I respect your right to publish them here and I hope you can respect my words in the form of my thoughts in this review. But the show Castle was a love story and that's the core reason it's many loyal fans followed it. Reading storylines that demean and doom the characters to not actually finding their way to each other is not something this fan finds as honouring the legacy of the show. Peace.
tallcajun chapter 1 . 1/25/2019
Glad you have returned to tell a moving story. Throughout the Castle canon, I felt that Rick was tragic figure, mostly treated as everyone's doormat who gave, gave, gave without much in return. Both Fillion and Katic put in superb performances, but it was a sad story. You did well in this version-thank you.
DREAMWRITER 08 chapter 1 . 1/25/2019
So sad.
BigKahuna chapter 1 . 1/25/2019
Always nice to read something a bit different. And to release all 40k at once, thank you.

Gina wasn't developed much in canon, great to read your version of Rick and Gina's backstory.
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