Reviews for The One's They Left Behind
RS1 chapter 4 . 1/28
I just finished the “Bewitching Pool” and immediately went to this. You’ve really outdone yourself. I’m reading this at the edge of my seat! Again I am blown away. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything like this. I hope your muse comes back so you can update. This is such a mesmerizing story.

Waiting impatiently for an update. Again... wow! Can’t wait!
Mykith chapter 4 . 1/15
I have only two words for your writing: riveting and glorious. Not necessarily in that order. I know I'm not the only one that believes this sequel is somehow better than the original story. I'm telling you, the only thing that caused me to put down this page-turner is sleep; often with my glasses still on, lol. Please, please may I have another; chapter, I mean. Soon. Please. Please. Please and thank you. Please. Okay, I have much more praise to heap on you, but I'll save some them for the next installment. Sincerely, thank you.
Smitty3514 chapter 1 . 1/13
Happy New Year! I miss you're writing.
MyKith chapter 4 . 1/15
Please, please, please update? I'm not above begging as you can see.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
I would kill for an update to this, After last night's episode, I need some Richonne finding their way back to each other.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/20/2019
Please, please, please update this. I love this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
Lol Yelle's "if you could just let us know" ...the whole story I know that's right! I have been stalking this series this series for years. The wait is kinda killing me
Yelle Hughes chapter 4 . 6/27/2019
This entire story has blown me away. I discovered your backroom Deal and have just been reading non-stop. As a writer, I know i messed up by not leaving a comment and I do apologize for that.
I should have taken time out on my binging but every single story that I have read of yours was so damn mesmerizing, emotionally up and down... the concepts, the directions and how you pinned these characters down and this one had me crying. To see AU Rick reading that letter from Walker World Rick was just...
I can't even come up with the words. This is so totally unique and I apologize again because I came upon this so freaking late.
Just know that if you continue this story, at least to give Michonne POV on her letter and if they both decide they are true soulmates in this world would be so f'n fantastic.
You have a big new fan and from this point, you will hear from me.
Excellent story writing and story telling!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/28/2019
Please post an update just so I'll know that you're ok. I'm worried about you
member00 chapter 4 . 3/9/2019
So maybe they don't remember? I can't tell if Michonne is avoiding Rick because she recalls something or if she's scared of being attracted to this guy.

Didn't they watch ZA-TF when they took over the bodies? The real versions in the nonZA world were the ones giving our TF the heebee-jeebees right? They flet like they were being watched.
Or is that what Rick's "random flashes" are?

"Hours of deescalating workshops that he'd taken part in over the past few months paid off more in his marriage than at work." LMAO

"Although, I think I should tell you that my Michonne said she felt this Michonne's presence when we were together. It's possible that this Michonne may have some memories that you don't." Whoaaa that explain's Michonne's vibe re: Rick

It took me half way through to realize the letter was Rick lol

This is so interesting! How bizarre for these poor folks. And, is Michie gonna end up pregnant!?
Can't wait for more!
member00 chapter 3 . 3/8/2019
Dun dun dunnnnn. They remember stuff.
Poor Richonne feelin all guilty and unfaithful lol no worries kids. It wasn't your doing. Yet :P

Very fun story!
member00 chapter 2 . 3/8/2019
I love that you're diving into the consequences of the experiment. They're strangers with memories (maybe?) of intimacy among them! Very intriguing!

"And we both know that you weren't completely honest with their counterparts." Hmmm...what did he leave out?
Richonne4Life chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
So excited that you wrote this sequel!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/2/2019
Fingers typing I hope and the next half coming soon? I'm having withdrawals here!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
Come on with it, girl. The suspense is killing me
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