Reviews for The Innocence Project
rollwithbutter chapter 26 . 7/20
I’m not the best reviewer, but you deserve a kudos. ️
Guest chapter 19 . 5/15
Hey just realized season 4 came out on the day after your last update which is super awesome haha
Guest chapter 9 . 5/15
Oh my God everything is so wonderfully captured in the story! It's 3 AM so I can't write a lucid review so I'll just type my pleasure and the awe I feel about this story later ;)
Bzjgnshsnns chapter 9 . 5/12
The fact that the kidnappers name is the exact same name as my mom is a bit unsettling lmao
CBear chapter 26 . 4/8
What a complete and amazing story! Loved the details, both to the characters and the plot—I could just visualize the whole thing as if it were on screen! Thank you for such a delightful read; I couldn’t put it down (which didn’t help getting my landscaping project done today, but there’s always tomorrow...!). Keep writing, you are very talented and I would love to continue reading your work! ️
Natters chapter 26 . 1/6
Wow, great fic. Loved it
CecileGa chapter 26 . 12/27/2019
The best Lucifer fan fiction I read! Bravo à l auteur. C est telllement génial. Merci à l auteur
terra-alpha220 chapter 26 . 11/4/2019
I have to say that I've really enjoyed this story, and you've kept me pins and needles with worry about Lucifer's physical wellbeing, and I was really in suspense as to whether or not Chloe would be able to solve the case in time to save both Lucifer's and Martin's life. Thank you for posting this story. This story definitely screams sequel. I really need to know what's going to happen when Maze finally tracks down Bethany.
Guest chapter 26 . 6/27/2019
I REALLY wish you'd gone with a more karmic ending. Like, given the source of the proof of innocence, that no one believed them since the evidence found came from people being held captive to produce their proof on threat of death. It would have served Bethany right that her methods in obtaining justice for her son ended up ruining his chances at amnesty.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/27/2019
Just gonna say... proof of innocence does not equal a pardon in the US unfortunately. I can think of at least one case where there was DNA evidence that wasn't able to be analyzed during the trial but was years later that proved a man already in jail for another crime raped a woman, not the man who was convicted of the crime... and yet the governor didn't want to issue the innocent man a pardon, so he just didn't. (He EVENTUALLY did, but only after tons of lobbying.)

Frankly, mommy dearest here's son would be screwed in this short of a time span.
Guest chapter 26 . 6/23/2019
Wow, just wow. The writing and plot was great. Love it.
Patougv chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
Wow, amazing story. I loved the scenario, your style and the way you pictured he characters. Thanks a lot for sharing this story.
Lisa Smithers chapter 26 . 6/9/2019
Yes. Just yes. This was plot is amazing and the smooth, clean, writing style was icing on the cake. Great job.
Diana chapter 26 . 6/4/2019
Well done. Thanks for this
madcloisfan chapter 26 . 5/30/2019
Loved it. Will there be a sequel?
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