Reviews for Effect of a Gamer's Soul
Silverwingzz chapter 4 . 9/28
You killed Shepard you cunttttttt!
Onix121 chapter 4 . 9/14
Nooo what about pairings? - Me

"What about us ?"- Michael Jackson
Guest X chapter 5 . 8/30
This is a very good story!
I was concerned about the main character being to powerful but you have kept the story and johns power very interesting as well as engaging thus far and I have enjoyed it very much... Also the Reapers are bullshit anyway so no one can really complain about overpowered main characters.
However I feel that I must inform you that the reaper cannons are not laser weaponry but are actually magnetohydrodynamic cannons which fire streams of molten metal at a fraction of the speed of light to devastating effect, if you have ever seen a high pressure water sprayer cut through anything the principal is the same.
On another note when I finished chapter five I was a bit disheartened to see that you haven't updated in some time, and although I don't want to jump to conclusions, I wanted to tell you that I desperately hope that you'll continue this story as it is without a doubt a very well made, enjoyable, and interesting tale and I hope you can find time to keep going.
Keep up the excellent work and stay frosty.
RIOSHO chapter 2 . 7/15
The constant mispronouncing of Barla Von kinda annoyed me.
Clark the Lion 8181 chapter 5 . 4/28
more so good.
Nikkless chapter 5 . 2/6
it hurt to read this it was so cringy and crackish.
Nikkless chapter 5 . 2/6
yeah im dropping this shitty fic. shepard dead
Nikkless chapter 4 . 2/6
didint really like this its boring when everything goes too smoothly.
Nikkless chapter 4 . 2/6
ch 3. idiotic turn of events
Nikkless chapter 3 . 2/5
he would fit better into warhammer world or cultivation world than mass effect
Nikkless chapter 3 . 2/5
dont really like mc personality
Nikkless chapter 2 . 2/5
ch1. would have been better if mc gave the race name as Hollow and not Nephilim
Nikkless chapter 2 . 2/5
ch1. it would be cool if mc has some drawing skills and he could draw all the monsters hes killed and shows them to shepard
Nikkless chapter 1 . 2/5
felt a bit rushed but its interesting
Nikkless chapter 1 . 2/5
not really a fan of suicide start
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