Reviews for The Coming Storm (Re-write)
Guest chapter 8 . 7/31
MetalBatt chapter 13 . 6/22
Lol, room 616. Nice ;).

But man, this chapter was awesome! Honestly, before this chapter, the story kinda felt like a pure RWBY fic. Only with Thor's character tacked in, and without any of his Godly abilities. But now, this story has been kicked into maximum overdrive and I'm excited to see what comes next! I also find the prospect of Thor not being able to fully utilize his powers, or at least for a long span of time, to actually be a great idea. It really gives him a handicap that would fit well with the story and give him some time to get back into the groove of things. Now I'm just waiting to see when he gets back into contact with Ruby, and perhaps help her take down Salem and her goons. Oh man, this is finally turning out to be a really great story!
MetalBatt chapter 11 . 6/22
Okay, that ending is pretty fucking hype! About time the Almighty Thor graced us with his appearance!
MetalBatt chapter 10 . 6/21
Before reading this I had scanned quickly through the comments as a way to give me an idea of what I was getting myself into. I had picked up a few terms such as betrayal, so I assumed something big and hurtful was about to happen. And although it was a sad chapter, I wouldn't say that his friends betrayed him. They were fooled into believing that he was insane and truly wished to help him, as true friends would do. The real traitors and fiends are Ozpin, Ironwood, and whoever is working in the background. I only hope that their friendship doesn't turn for the worst, or that Thor and Ruby seperate. She's really the only one that's helping Thor move on in his new life.
MetalBatt chapter 6 . 6/21
...and there goes the sinking ship. You were magnificent while you lasted, o' maiden of the sea...
MetalBatt chapter 4 . 6/21
Thor and Ruby being a couple was something I didn't expect at all. But, I accept wholeheartedly :)!
Monster King chapter 13 . 6/12
Guest chapter 13 . 5/28
Have really been enjoying this fiction. Thanks so much for all the time (and VERY hard work I'm sure) you have devoted to give your readers an excellent story.
hirshja chapter 13 . 5/28
Pumped that this is back.
brave kid chapter 13 . 5/28
Whoa once again great job, please keep doing your best ok
MajorBrony95 chapter 13 . 5/28
I like the old story, but this one isn't bad either. Glad to see it's being continued.
Empyrean Asura chapter 13 . 5/28
Huh, so... Damn, what now? Thor is REALLY OP be it in the MCU, disregarding the wishy washy powerscaling at times. Or in the comics where he can shatter planets with ease.
Empyrean Asura chapter 10 . 5/28
So assuming this isn't an elaborate lie from Atlas what could this possibly mean for Thor? How will he handle the betrayal from those he saw as friends?
the mysterious Mr.E chapter 13 . 5/28
Can't wait to see what happens next.
reindropsraindrops chapter 13 . 5/28
This is why Thor is called the God of Thunder.
I am deeply satisfied on how the chapter turned out and I love the reference you made to the Main Marvel Comic Universe.
Keep up the good work
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