Reviews for The Legend of Spyro: The Time of Amity
Guest chapter 11 . 10/8
Edit with the story a bit it is good just a little bit rushed
Dragon of Mystery chapter 11 . 8/5
In retrospect, having seen your profile page, I now see SKda is doing the Amity remake. As such, I retract my offer for this story, but will keep it on the table if you wish to collaborate in the future.

In either case, I will certainly be looking into his remake. When it comes out
Dragon of Mystery chapter 12 . 8/5
It's kind of sad this is where the story ended, admittedly.

But, Ido have a question for you three. If you're all interested, I would gladly take up the task of a rewrite for this story. Like I said, I will not go ahead without express approval from you, Cheetah, and SKda if they're involved.

Not intending to force anything, just offering my aid in giving the Tale of Amity the conclusion it deserves.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 10 . 8/5
Oh my. Syris, YOU BASTARD! How could you just kill Volteer like this!?

So this is where the story ends so far, since there hasn't been a part two. Which is a real shame. Things were getting good!
Dragon of Mystery chapter 9 . 6/8
Okay, this is getting completely crazy! We finally meet Smith's Guardian' the lovely Serena. And things are about to get crazy. The Trial of Amity awaits, and now that Flame, Sparx, and Ember are here it's only going to get crazier.

But now Aurora gets called into question. There's more to her than we were led to believe, else why would She is be interested in her? How I'm interested to find out if we learn the answer.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 8 . 6/4
Syris, Son of Malefor. A villain who does not know love, and wants its power. I'm getting serious Voldemort\"He Who Shall Not Be Named" vibes from this guy. Add that to the repeated phrase of "Merlin's Beard". Not complaining, just noting.

Now this was freaking sweet, up until the news hits. Now that Flame and Ember are here, there's certainly more to lose.

But that moon rune message, and that lullaby... I have no words. There are none for this. It's just too beautiful. Too beautiful for any words to even describe.

Now, the mission begins. Let us see where this goes!
Dragon of Mystery chapter 7 . 6/1
Aw, love is blooming across the realms! Of course Spyro and Cynder, but now Volteer's found someone. Aurora sounds like a lovely dragoness.

But now this evil has them. One can only hope Amity is enough to save Volteer and Aurora.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 6 . 5/19
So this is where you and Cheetah began working together. And it's amazing! And now we finally see Amity in action,and it is COMPLETELY EPIC! And only now do I see how great your grasp on Sparx's comedy is. You've had it nailed since the beginning!

But now things are getting serious. This enemy is looking to take Amity by killing Spyro and Cynder off.

Now I definitely cannot wait to see where this goes.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 5 . 5/14
Okay, I'm picking up on serious Harry Potter vibes from this. Love being the most powerful element in existence despite being hardly understood, and now Volteer taking a page from Slughorn's vocabularyMerlin's Beard!and all that) That isn't a bad thing by any stretch, just an interesting observation

And now we've finally got an eye on the dragon Voldemort, Syris. Already sounds menacing.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 4 . 5/12
Okay, this is getting great. Good to see the Guardians are still bickering like brothers. And the power of Amity makes itself known, and Cynder gets a new accessory out of it. I love the necklace design, the visual is incredible.

This is still going amazing! No idea why you think this story's subpar. Looking forward to seeing how this goes!
Dragon of Mystery chapter 3 . 5/11
So Amity is an element? Interesting. And it's essentially love? Nice. Let's just hope this doesn't end up having a Sacrificial Protection ability. (And no, I've actually never read Harry Potter, but I know the term)

Makes you wonder what kind of threat needs the power of pure love to defeat? Guess I'll have to read on to find out.
Dragon of Mystery chapter 2 . 5/11
Aw, that was just adorable. Exactly how I believe the story ended. But, we both know something is about to happen. Something's going to shake up this happiness. Now you've caught my attention
Dragon of Mystery chapter 1 . 5/11
So this is where it all began. And it's awesome! We finally see that Ignitus found Spyro and Cynder after all. That's a relief. But then that line is invoked. Whenever someone invoked the protection of the Ancestors, something bad is about to go down.

Now I'm interested to see where this goes.
Anacondra1 chapter 2 . 1/29
This was just straight up heart warming and adorable. Keep up the good work.
TARDIS1039 chapter 12 . 4/5/2019
Cool, can't wait for the rest of the story! Also looking forward to your brand new story.
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