Reviews for Fianchetto
Alpenwolf chapter 31 . 7/11
I wonder if Emilia will someday hurt someone with that paperweight.
AJAX087 chapter 31 . 7/3
Great chapter, good to see Shepard again, keep it up
AJAX087 chapter 30 . 5/6
Again love Shepard’s relation with the eclipse, also pumped about ash being a Spectre. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Mandrake109 chapter 30 . 5/5
Funnily enough I was just thinking the other day on how underused the Collectors were in ME2.
One shot, at one crew member, and that's it. Maybe that was a time constraint but it feels half hearted. It's not like they couldn't find the rest of the ground team if they wanted to.
bluemarlin chapter 29 . 5/3
Wonderful chapter. Enjoyed your AU take on Miranda's loyalty mission. Please continue.
AJAX087 chapter 29 . 4/20
Another great chapter, I like Shepard’s ties with eclipse and how that’s being shown throughout the story. Keep it up!
Hellwyrm chapter 29 . 4/19
Fucking bravo on the last two chapters, outstanding setups and flashbacks. I love the little snippets we are getting of what happened between Emilia's 'death' and her resurrection. You're doing the blank gaps in between justice, and I can't wait for more.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/1
Great Garrus chapter, best space bro since Chewbacca, keep it up!
AJAX087 chapter 27 . 3/18
Awesome that ash would rather die than leave her team behind, keep it up!
bluemarlin chapter 27 . 3/14
Great chapter. Looking forward to more.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/12

Great chapter, good, tense action.
But not knowing that Batarian slaves are more likely than not brainwashed into Stockholm Syndrome is the mother of all intelligence oversights bordering on wilful ignorance...

Endrius chapter 27 . 3/12
Great chapter.
bluemarlin chapter 26 . 3/9
Excellent chapter. Enjoyed the interview scene at the end. Please continue.
A Most Sovereign Lady chapter 26 . 3/7
Few grammar things here and there, nothing to be overly concerned about though. Reads well.
Much approval!

AJAX087 chapter 26 . 3/7
Awesome chapter, like the entry at the end defending shep. Keep it up!
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