Reviews for Thin Edge
VictuuriLuver chapter 6 . 2/13
Love it! Please post more.
Picklez80 chapter 6 . 2/12
Please can you add a new chapter?
PrivateCaller chapter 6 . 2/6
Hey, will you be updating this story soon? I'm so excited to know what happens.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/31
Please you can update soon?
Wildwind13 chapter 6 . 1/31
Kat is seriously fucked up. They need to get out of there. Great chapter!
Smexy Kitten chapter 6 . 1/24
This chapter tells a lot more behind the scenes than meets the eye. I like the backstory on Kat. It definitely sheds light on her behavior. Yuuri should not have suffered like he did. That poor man has been through a lot. It also makes me wonder how Yurio is acting in all of this stress. I can't wait for your next update!
Caroline9999 chapter 6 . 1/19
Love it, Spunky! Please update when you can.
Aizenfan6969 chapter 6 . 1/14
Love it! I need more.
VictorisVkusno chapter 6 . 1/14
Wow, Kat is a wacko, that's for sure.
Porkcutletbowl chapter 6 . 1/11
Awesome chapter. Kat is insane. I hope they are able to escape soon. Poor Yuuri!
Smexy Kitten chapter 5 . 7/5/2019
At least Georgi is alive and safe. I really hope that nothing else happens to Yuuri, Victor, Mila or the other skaters. I also hope that Yurio will behave. And who is this new presence with an S&M fetish? I can't wait to read more in your next update!
Wildwind13 chapter 5 . 7/5/2019
I want to see what happens in that bedroom with Kat and Tasha! It is Tasha, isn't it? I like her. I hope she helps the boys and Mila escape!
Aizenfan6969 chapter 5 . 7/4/2019
Please hurry and up date this? I want more.
VictuuriLuvr chapter 5 . 7/4/2019
Awesome chapter! Kat is certifiably insane, that's for sure!
CodeNameGlorfindel chapter 5 . 7/2/2019
Excellent chapter! Can't wait for the next post.
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