Reviews for Seeing Red
Kerick chapter 17 . 8/9
The mumbling Izuku gag isn’t cute or appreciated.
Kerick chapter 10 . 8/9
Are Izuku and toga going out at the same time? Eri is too young to leave at home by herself... that is irresponsible.
mod chapter 3 . 7/23
what did he had to eat?
bauers374 chapter 46 . 7/15
Seriously.. Why would you use b1's as a templete for your robots
Seal kid chapter 47 . 7/14
So excited for the finale, know it’s gonna be great, have an amazing holiday :)
Guest chapter 46 . 7/6
Soo uh when is dekupool gonna get an update.
Guest chapter 45 . 6/27
Please update this is really good
bauers374 chapter 45 . 6/26
I love when Izuku starts making the quips... It reminds me of Freddy Kruegar in some of the later Films
bauers374 chapter 41 . 6/26
Um... Japan doesn't have a nuclear arsenal... I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed to have one either.. I can't remember if it relates to WW2 or if they signed a treaty during the cold war...
bauers374 chapter 39 . 6/26
Is Izuku Trying to Misquote Iron Man (2008They Say the best weapon is one you never have to use, I disagree, I Prefer the weapon you only have to use ONCE"
bauers374 chapter 24 . 6/26
I'm hoping Carnage calls Muscular out on being a copycat of him
bauers374 chapter 21 . 6/26
We are so naming are kid Cher...
bauers374 chapter 18 . 6/26
Ya Know, I Just had a thought... What if Bakugo was trained in the Mystic Arts...
bauers374 chapter 14 . 6/26
good job remebering to include the weakness to Sound
duskrider chapter 44 . 6/7
To be honest this is a good lead into the final act in my opinion all good stories need to end but a dramatic fight for the climax is always good.
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