Reviews for Nerve Damage: Season 2: Sensory Overload
D.N.Works chapter 18 . 7/22
Man this story is insane on so many levels that I both love, feel annoyed, and enjoy it at the same time. Shame the updates are slowish, but whatever, this is gold man. This weird story is pretty neat in its own way, Kitsu and Shinji alive as heads and being bash brothers, Rin, Sakura, and Shirou getting good life lessons with Angra and Iri finally getting rewards for their sucky lives.
Question: Will all the Servants be attacking humanity, or will there be at least some who will defend the world.
Ultimate Warrior of Zera chapter 18 . 7/20
You outdo yourself yet again. That was a really great twist. I get why Abel does what he does, even if he is a total dick.
Rangle chapter 17 . 7/20
Almost two years and not even 200 follows yet. It's clear that most people don't like your story plot.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10
I wasn't expecting this to make a re-appearnace
Blackgold Night chapter 17 . 6/6
This is some crazy shit. I like it. Cannon's been shoot to hell but fuck it this is great and trying to maintain cannon to a Japanese original light novel that never got an official translation because Type-moon honestly believed japan was the only country in the world until Grand order isn't helping anyone when you get something like this from killing it.

I'd go grammar nazi on your ass but I don't have to. Just look over it in your spare time if you want to clean it up.

Hm. I wonder what the planet would look like with so many heroic spirits. Requiem is literally that but with way less slaughter from what I could tell at first glance. Anywho, Luvia doesn't really have to worry about the age of gods. If heroic spirits have actually come back down to earth, humanities common sense will break down to accept them, and Gaia will remove the anchors like the Rhongomyniad and bring back the age of gods since the reverse side of the world won't be seen as 'fiction' anymore.

I'm curious what Jesus (if he's the first magician in this), Adam and Eve, the types and Arcueid will be doing. The multiverse encapsulates all of reality, not just earth, so the entire dimension is in danger.
Giuseppe chapter 17 . 6/1
ajajajjaaj at least yoi make me laugh with your weirdshit writing. Good luck man, take care of yourself, covid19 at all
hussainamm chapter 15 . 6/2
you put coco jumpo cool.
Ultimate Warrior of Zera chapter 17 . 6/1
Regarding my previous review, I completely forgot about Abel turning into a girl in Chapter 15. My bad.

It makes sense that Cain is Grand Avenger, even though since he can't die, he normally wouldn't be a Servant.
Akin2018 chapter 17 . 6/1
this new chapter was awesome, so not every single servant is outside the holy grail war. this chaos in a way can barely describe it. keep it up signed Akin2018. :)
King0fP0wers chapter 17 . 6/1
Super Edison vs Tesla Alter. Let's fucking go...!
Blackgold Night chapter 6 . 5/17
False assassin...alright. Even if my lore boner, because I am that guy, demands vengeance this works since it’s actually altering the origin to create something. Though I do find it bizarre you’d make her noble phantasms all counterfeits since some of them are in lore actually stronger than the original Hassan’s, her faith was just to the point she’d never admit it (but she also believed even the Hassan’s that went corrupt and tried for the grail were more ‘holy’ than her due to her inferiority complex so make of that what you will).

I should also note that I do like the story. I think it might’ve come across that I was bit harsh before.
Blackgold Night chapter 5 . 5/17
You know I realize reviewing again and again on old plot points in your story really only counts as a review for your overall ability over time rather than a full review of the narrative and your current capabilities, which is a better review of the overall work more than it is your individual skill in the moment. But fuck it I’ll get to that when I finish.

So...Kirei the pedophile? Why? It doesn’t really help much since it’s not treated as that important, just kinda slapped in for VERY short shock value, and after it was made pretty clear that this story was going to be a bloodbath after so many died, I can’t say it actually does anything. I get changing the original narrative to tell a better story but for no reason just feels ridiculous. Also obligatory lore check: Gilgamesh could sustain himself in the real world after incarnating, Kirei did what he did to the kids for no other reason than his own pleasure. Strangely enough it was the only act in his life that fell under that category, as Kariya was tricked and Tokiomi was a bastard, and Kiritsugu for all that he was a good man at heart did some sick shit back in the day so long as he could justify it by the barest amount, civilians be damned. The only real example I can pull out would be Irei, but as a participant in a grail war...

Anyway he also couldn’t preserve their lives with a mana transfer instead of actual food. Magical energy isn’t food, it would actually deform and kill them. That’s why he’s reputed as such a great spiritual doctor and a near master in several magical fields, because Nasu wrote some pretty ironclad rules into his lore and needed a sensible way to break them here.
Blackgold Night chapter 3 . 5/17
How is Dantès dodging tsunami gaeshi? It’s explicitly not an attack that speed can get you out of at all. It replicates the dimensional refraction phenomenon to attack in a window that goes beyond the laws of physics by allowing the user to ‘break’ the confines of reality to thereby escape the universe and pull another possibility into existence, making variables like space and time meaningless. Meaning speed which functions based on time is not a factor. Dantès Noble phantasm would have to be invoked every time he wanted to dodge, and even then it wouldn’t work since he’d be dodging from several angles irrespective of distance.

At best you could argue that since Dantès is basically the only servant who can reach a possible ‘even playing field’ with Kojirou’s attack since neither operate constrained to the abstract principles of the planet, he could operate as an ‘exception’, and that a determined beyond belief ancient Frenchman could dodge the swipes of a legendary beyond belief samurai with a skill literally saying that nobody can adjust to his fighting style because none of his attacks are unskilled enough to let that happen.
Blackgold Night chapter 1 . 5/17
What is with the bombardment of italics? Some places it works but it’s over excessive tot the point of just being annoying. Putting emphasis upon everything you can just makes it a nightmare to try and read it.
Guest chapter 16 . 4/8
Good story. Was wondering if you would make a Servant Stat Sheet Collection for your oc's like CrossyCross did? Would help a bit, otherwise keep up the good work.
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