Reviews for Pinkest November
remus22 chapter 1 . 9/27
Hi I love this story, hope you will be able to continue it. Would love to know the ending. Whether Tonks will get her memories back.
Tonks80 chapter 6 . 9/16
Good chapter ! I hope the next one will come soon !
maraudersfanfictions chapter 6 . 7/24
i really liked this. i have no idea where you got the idea from but its great
timeandpixiedust chapter 6 . 7/6
Oh I love the amnesia trope and I’m so happy I found your fic. Can’t wait to see what happens next! ️
darija305 chapter 6 . 7/1
I am so happy you updated! This is one of my favorite stories and I was sad when I saw that it wasn't completed. Thankfully you came back! I really enjoy this story, I think it's very creative and new unlike anything I've read before. Please keep it up x
TillyQ chapter 6 . 6/30
LOVE THIS! So so good! Please keep updating!
Athena2019 chapter 6 . 6/29
Oh, I'm so glad you're updating again! I really, really love this story. Stories that depict Remus and Tonks surviving often lack the sexual tension I crave-since they're already married!-but your ingenious premise lets us have our cake and eat it too. And you've written in so many lovely moments. I loved how Tonks sees Remus' fear and then joy on her mother's porch when she says "I don't wan to do this anymore," and I loved their kiss even more. And this chapter started out hot and then turned emotional-I teared up a bit when Remus admitted that he was terrified all the time of losing Tonks somehow.

I can't imagine what it must be like to work in an ER right now, but thank you for your service and I hope that fan fiction provides a bit of solace in these hard times. I know it does for me, and I'm sure for many other readers as well.
goldflower chapter 6 . 6/25
I’ LOVING this story.
bookdiva chapter 6 . 6/25
So... I’m working night shift at the hospital, in the NICU, and I literally squealed when I saw this update! Thank you so much for updating and for working in the insanity that is the ER. I couldn’t do it, but I’m so thankful for those of you who can! Wonderful chapter, cannot wait for the next one!

Stay healthy and safe.

ntlpurpolia chapter 5 . 8/23/2019
I love this story so much! Please keep writing. It feels realistic and I’m glad of that.
notthatchhavi chapter 5 . 7/13/2019
I was waiting for the update for while now..loved the chapter and I liked Dora has agreed to live with Remus now..and the kiss.. absolutely lovely
archgirl chapter 5 . 7/10/2019
Loved it.
bookdiva chapter 5 . 7/8/2019
I was so happy to see this update! Thank you for sharing and giving me hope. I've recently gotten sucked into depressing fanfics about Endgame (not sure if you're a Marvel fan, but I am and dang it, depression is like OoTP level real right now). So this was just what my heart needed. I can't wait for more.

Helen Nicked Lupin chapter 5 . 7/8/2019
It may seem strange, but this kind of situation, where someone loses their memory, temporarily or not, usually happens more than what is believed. It is a moment of enormous anxiety, both for those affected and for the family. Dora is in a limbo of memories and emotions, what she remembers and what she does not. What she knows is her life, but she thinks it's someone else's. If she has taken the step of going back to Remus and even kissing him, it may be for two reasons, one, that she knows that he is her husband and the father of her son and that he was the person who needed that approach. or, two, that he is feeling things again for Remus, although he remembers almost nothing, he knows it again and begins to understand a little why he loved him so much. I think it's a bit of both.

I am happy for both, because Remus is also half who knows, remembers and can not do anything, simply feels powerless to see the love of his life and realizes that it is not her. It's hard.

That's why I liked this chapter. Also with Harry worrying about his family and the proud Andromeda, admitting that like all mothers want the best for their daughter, and the best thing for her is Remus, even though she thinks there were other options.

Update soon.
Insert Clever Potter Name Here chapter 5 . 7/7/2019
I am so in love with this story and I am hoping the next update comes soon!
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