Reviews for Lost and Found
Aurastar Warrior chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
What about an Aura guardian Ends up in the HTTYD worlds
Deadly-Bagel chapter 28 . 12/17/2019
Lmao, taking a moment out of Hiccup's deep introspection to water a tree was just... xD

"We had a little tussle" omg that imagery xD!

Oooh, Light Furies on the horizon. Interesting. More Bewilderbeasts too, eventually, I smell Thor having something to do with it. Cleaning up his brother's mess indeed.

And now, I'm not tricked into thinking there's another chapter, so I can properly wind up the review with a summary xD

Overall this was a good read, which is saying something given my interest (or lack of) in boring human stuff. You did not forget the dragons are characters too, something most authors do forget, and you particularly gave Toothless his thoughts and screen time he was due, if maybe a little clipped at the end (more due to circumstance than anything though).

It's kind of tricky though, I know you want this to be a standalone fic but the world you've set up sort of needs that slow introduction from TDW. I would have recommended starting from another perspective, probably Eret's, to lay down the idea of communication before revealing and very briefly explaining it. I think, as it is, it would be jarring for most readers... Actually I guess I can speak from experience there as I do remember picking this up some months ago, but clearly didn't read through it. That said, perhaps I'm not the best indication of "normal" xP

The plot was solid, the writing greatly improved over your previous works (though I guess we have your beta to at least partially thank for that) and your emotional chapters were written well... which in hindsight I may have been a bit too blunt with in some cases, they were of course all written well, just as I said I've already been hit by that so I didn't get as much of an impact as I would otherwise have had, and I'm frightfully blunt at times xP

I am avidly looking forward to reading the next instalment...
Deadly-Bagel chapter 27 . 12/17/2019
It at least seems unlikely that Tord will ever be back, so letting him live is unlikely to be a fatal mistake. People like that don't change for anything, and I'm glad you acknowledged and implemented that.

Aww, and Eret ended up with Skullcrusher. Though, unknown if he'll stick around Berk or fly off into the sunset. Maybe a bit of both.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 26 . 12/17/2019
I bet Toothless feels like a doctor whose patient just walked out of the hospital shouting that God has saved them xD that's gotta be frustrating.

You took an interesting spin on things, with Hiccup understandably baying for blood with Toothless recognising reason. Hmm, though I'm not so sure Drago had anything but selfish motive when charging forward like that.

Hmm, first lesson of management is to delegate. I know two managers who try to do everything themselves and it just doesn't work, you have a team for a reason! Go lie down, Hiccup xP

Oh look, a miracle. Notice I very specifically didn't say I didn't think this would happen, just that it wasn't likely xD though Astrid could have acted a bit better. Ehh I suppose she isn't much of an actor.

Yay, the day is won, the pyre lit, and other boring human stuff. I'll be chilling with the dragons on the forest lol

Hmm, we didn't find out what happened to Eret and pals or Valka. Still a few more chapters to go though.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 25 . 12/17/2019
Oh... There goes Stormfly. Astrid isn't going to be happy. You might still pull out a miracle but it seems unlikely.

Argh, you named them xP oh well. I did get the impression that dragons needed to be controlled... But to be fair, are humans any different? We need a leader, and many people need religion to feel purpose and reason. Those who don't find dove cause to devote themselves to.

So Toothless' alpha form is a gift from Thor himself. Where's Hel then to give him the death part of his subtitle? Lol
Deadly-Bagel chapter 24 . 12/16/2019
Oh I forgot to mention the trial last chapter. Lmao, I can just set Hiccup walking away from such a tangle, futilely trying to balance a flag on his nose. Good times.

And speaking of reveals, the Furies thought the Viking settlement was luring the raids. It's not difficult to see that wasn't the case, but desperation and all, I guess.

Also we're getting a bit of a supernatural confirmation with this story, just in little bits; Hiccup being shown Drago's story, Drago riding Toothless without freeing him, and now Hiccup's account of his presence. Not really a fan of such additions usually, but I do appreciate that you have kept the specifics vague rather than outright naming the entity Loki or whoever.

So, if I've got this straight, they're basically loading up any Vikings currently without dragons (either taken or just don't have one) and dropping them onto the enthralled dragons to steal them. Clever,

Hmm, in canon, Skullcrusher is handed off to Eret. I can't see him being left alone, should I be worried about Grunt?

... Oh, that happened pretty much right as I had that thought. Aight then. Ahem. Nuuuu, Grunt! Dx
Deadly-Bagel chapter 23 . 12/16/2019
Lol, I'm not sure I've seen Eret reunited with his crew yet. He seems to be a crazy dragon rider already xD

By the way, what's a Deadly Adder? Lmao

Oh boy, they just happen to have a bunch of dragons below deck... Would they so easily take the trappers as riders? Hmm.

Lmao, not the Timberjack! Anything but the Timberjack!
Deadly-Bagel chapter 22 . 12/16/2019
Oh yes, trying to sell caged dragons to Hiccup. This is going to go fantastically.

Yay! An other story to drop bits and pieces of over twelve chapters xD I suppose there's not that many left though. Hmm, were the Furies trying to get humans to block the control? That doesn't sound right though, they're sneakier than annihilating the village in the night. In the way... Of what?
Deadly-Bagel chapter 21 . 12/16/2019
So women are great at talking... I'm not so sure men are so good at listening though xD interesting way to play a game though! I wouldn't have thought of that.

Oh man, that wasn't Shadow was it? He's still got to fulfil Stoick's promise. Ugh, I don't feel as bad for the chapters you're coming up to in AGoW now xP you have a way of being really brutal in very few words.

Aarrrgghhh you and your damn dreams xP I think the double dream was probably a bit much. Could also have done with some more emphasis on waking up, it's a bit confusing as it looks like Stormfly caught him on both occasions.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 20 . 12/16/2019
"This ain't no laffin matter" says Gobber, five minutes before laughing himself xP

Hmm, so Tord is willing to consort with demons to save his own skin. Lol, typical. I'm guessing he'll be partially converted by the end of this, he's already had a harsh (yet quite amusing) demonstration already. Part of it has to be the realisation that dragons themselves aren't the problem, but rather the rare mind control varieties that force them to do bad things.

What was my guess again? I don't remember. I had thought of protecting crazy land-strider thoughts but initially dismissed it as something Hiccup wouldn't be sure would work, because how could he possibly know? Well, question answered xP

Gaaah I'm sure you'll eventually tell us what went on with this damn trial but come on this is dragon things out a bit! Given how much they all love Hiccup I'm guessing the 'enemy' dragons refused to fight against him. Hmm, but Toothless did something too... I mean, he's a Night Fury, but Stoick seemed to think he cheated or something... Which means bringing in other dragons using his range? Idk xP
Deadly-Bagel chapter 19 . 12/15/2019
Again, heartbreak and stuff we have all already been through probably several times by now, but you have done a good job on it.

Ooh, Hiccup has a plan to liberate the dragons... Involving being out of his mind? Like, broadcasting his crazy thoughts out something? This ought to be good whatever the case.

Hiccup the negotiator is back, yay. Although it would probably be a lot easier to just show them where the food and water was while they opened the traps themselves. I suppose this way is more diplomatic, just a lot slower.

That said, a few dragons should theoretically move faster than a swarm, particularly on a multiple day journey where they need to stop for food and water (if that is the case here, which I assume it is due to the time spent already)
Deadly-Bagel chapter 18 . 12/14/2019
Yeah, sorry, must admit I was in the 'meh' department too. Stoick dying here is a turning point for Hiccup's character; a consequence for recklessness, a motivator to correct his thinking, a trial to overcome, and of course a sense of duty to take up the mantle of Chief. There have also been so many retellings of that scene that it's lost a lot of its innate impact. It would be very difficult to wring more feels from it, particularly when it's one of the things canon actually did reasonably well.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 16 . 12/14/2019
Oh look, it went wrong. Drago got away with doing quite a lot without Toothless intervening, probably should have shot him the moment he stepped forward. Tut tut. But then I suppose we wouldn't have much of a plot lol

Omg Tuffnut xD
Deadly-Bagel chapter 15 . 12/14/2019
Blood, death and stuff, Eret for comedic relief. Interesting shuffle of roles from the second movie, with Stoick taking more of a commander role, and Valka sort of taking Hiccup's place.

Hiccup is manipulative! It's going to end badly though, this scene always does. Hmmm, though the Bewilderbeast can't take over Toothless, and it's still fighting the sanctuary's King.
Deadly-Bagel chapter 13 . 12/14/2019
There's some good introspection and stuff here. I don't really have much to say other than that you're doing a much better job with mending the family bonds than canon ever managed.

And another dream... You do like your dreams xP at least you don't start the chapter with them leaving us wondering about the chapter we missed lol. I don't think Hiccup actually knows Drago is missing an arm yet does he? Dun dun dun!
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