Reviews for The Thunder Phoenix
Mia Carlisle chapter 1 . 3/16
dont see review that can make your hurt. we'll waiting updates from your beloved fanfic
SilverSwan6 chapter 1 . 1/19
At The-girl-who-loves-adventure:
True to a certain extent but everyone is untitled to their opinions. DON'T POST ON AN OPEN FORUM if you can't stand the heat!
As one dramione downer posted "IF you don't tell them (they're wrong), HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO LEARN!"
Many awful stories out there to critique on & I'm not containing mine to any one ship or type; this fic is very good in some parts & incredibly mediocre in others. Get that "samey" vibe with too many Hr/D postings but then trope has been done to death for so long as to be beyond cliché now. There are whole websites dedicated to ridiculing many ships - and drarry & dramione always score most hits and posts.
Just saying
The-girl-who-loves-adventure chapter 1 . 1/8
ignore that previous guest ask. I see reviews like that everywhere. idk why someone who seemingly hates dramione would read a fic tagged dramione. write the plot you want and dont let people like this dictate what you do with your story.
Hobo Pete chapter 11 . 1/1
What if Hermione was a pureblood and sorted into Slytherin?
She isn't and she wasn't! Why don't you silly dramione authors actually come up with some original plot devices?
(coz your all brainless Draco fangirls who can't get beyond daydreaming of Tom Feltham's butt, that's why)
Julesdragonlady chapter 11 . 10/15/2019
I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism. You have a great storyline but it is let down by poor grammer,spelling and ducking backwards and forwards between past and present text. If you could get someone to read through your chapters before you publish them they could correct them for you. I love the story but am distracted by all the mistakes. I am sure you 'rd story will be great and hope you don't take offence. I just look forward to enjoying the next chapters though.
Ninjaxoxo chapter 1 . 8/26/2019
Please continue to grace us with updates I’m so loving this️
starlite22 chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
The premise of this story sounded amazing and I was looking forward to see where you took it. But it’s to hard to read, it needs editing. The conversations are all jumbled together. Every time someone new speaks it should start in a new line, not all be jumbled into one paragraph.
ChurchCampNerd chapter 4 . 6/16/2019
I think I love my Dad (Voldemort)
ChurchCampNerd chapter 2 . 6/16/2019
Ron bashing parts! good I don’t like him that much and Hermione should have ended up with Draco Malfoy so Ron can jump into the Black Lake
ChurchCampNerd chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Starting to read hope you finish it
earthyophelia chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
haven't started reading yet but to encourage you ti finish it leaving a review. I'll start reading once it's completed. Downloaded already.
kpop1392as chapter 8 . 5/19/2019
Ooo I wonder how they will figure they're way on getting the stone without Dumbledore knowing.
kpop1392as chapter 7 . 5/19/2019
Ooo this chapter was very interesting, I enjoyed reading it.
kpop1392as chapter 5 . 5/19/2019
I like how energetic and carefree Draco was during the break. I enjoyed reading this chapter.
kpop1392as chapter 4 . 5/19/2019
Ooo I enjoyed reading this story and chapter. I like the twist of things.
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