Yash Jacob chapter 42 . 17h
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2
This was just I'm done thus fucking hilarious
Reviewer chapter 42 . 8/1
One of the best stories I have ever read. Your writing skills needs some work in terms of grammar and spelling but your story telling skills is phenomenal.
The first 20 chapters were fun, I thought it was just some light hearted adventure with Giorno trying to get buff but I never expected it to turn the way it did. It made me laugh, want to workout, want to fight, hyped, and cry.
The personalities on the characters are varied and quite entertaining, I bet they all have backstories. I cant wait to see the Junior Tournament.
Soulless Anti-Hero chapter 41 . 7/31
Fuck, am I crying!?
Soulless Anti-Hero chapter 42 . 7/31
Wamuu stood on top of the church roof, yes really.

He took in a deep breath and-

Penis chapter 1 . 7/31
Guest chapter 41 . 7/26
this shitpost fanfic made me cry god dammit
Guest chapter 41 . 7/24
Why do you have to make me cry
Guest chapter 41 . 7/23
Dude when will you update your RWBY react fic?
Scattershot98 chapter 41 . 7/23
reading this ending is giving me a sheer heart attack, holy hell
Terrariopad chapter 40 . 7/22
Guest chapter 40 . 7/22
if you dont do anything special for the 4th day this story goes from a 10 to a 9.9
kena86 chapter 39 . 7/15
i like this! Go Dio!
Terrariopad chapter 39 . 7/14
This is the greatest high.
Pd: the fighting style is not bad
Guest chapter 39 . 7/11
More pp plz
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