Reviews for Clipped Wings
Aspylady chapter 1 . 9/5
If they were wings that would mean, like the title suggests, that he got them cut off. Probably by Stoick or Gobber.
GUEST 1 chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
Amazing. I hope to see more of you work!
Shelly Torres Skyssa chapter 1 . 4/13/2019
*Claps a lot*
Loved it.
Tamuril2 chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
Phew! I was so afraid you might be going the whole "Hiccup's Dad abused him" route. Which, granted, he DID emotionally abuse him, but I just can't see him physically abusive (though I'm sure if I ever stumble across any stories like that I'll more that jump on the bandwagon). Anyhow, I like that you didn't take this the easy way, but rather made it another dragon. Something for Toothless to think over and accept. Nice!
ArcReactorsandDragons chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Wow,,,, I like really loved this? Genuinely amazing and I love the concept and the implications, as well as your writing style! Also? The dialogue that was in there was fantastic, it seemed so natural, actually, all of this just flowed so smoothly, thank you for writing!
Gaming9 chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
Lol I thought it was from sex
wnaruto616 chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
I need to know what happens next and I am inmaginating that when hiccup was born he had nightfury wings and his dad clipped his wings off and hiccup has not been able to really get the feeling to be free as both human or dragon an to be honest I teared a little bit reading this.
Dragonrider's Fury chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
Nice little one-shot! I enjoyed this a lot. Keep up the good work! :-D

~Dragonrider's Fury
Eris chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
Awesome story. Very fascinating thoughts of Toothless.
Thursday-26 chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
I absolutely adore this. Like it struck something deep inside me that I just couldnt put my finger on right away. Then it hit me. Toothless' thought process and characterization. Your Toothless is thinking of hiccup in terms of how he understands the world.
And in his world it is normal to have wings. So seeing the scars and associating them with wings is an absolutely brilliant use of character perspective, insight, and experience. Really. I mean its just subtle but absolutely brilliant. I'm really glad to have read this fic :)
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
Oh. My. God.
This this this this this.
I'm a sucker for Hictooth bonding and for seeing scars, so this would always have been high on my list... but that TWIST at the end! How did you DO that?! "Toothless wondered if he knew." Ohmygoodness that LINE. It just hangs in the air, ripe with promise and mystery of so much more bonding. "...there might be more dragon than Viking in that boy"... OH MAN. And this this this this this, "who had fallen victim to the human hunters' tactics of grounding their kind permanently" - That suddenly brings "It's the wings and tail you want" into such terrible, heartbreaking focus. Oh god, "tactics of grounding their kind permanently", it's... It really suddenly struck me, the cruelty and savagery of those fights. How awful the Vikings were to the dragons. And the setting of it, with them still getting to know each other, this time period is perfect. And the plot device is excellent, Hiccup trying to get Toothless' saliva ("You know that doesn't wash out!") off his tunic and mostly failing. How appropriate that Hiccup would have been hurt by a Nightmare, since it's the one he fights in that battle in the arena... and your Gobber saving him HOW MUCH DO WE LOVE GOBBER? THIS MUCH. I just... This hit so many of my kinks and it's so delicate and lovely (your Toothless approaching a scarred little Hiccup as if he's FRAGILE OH MY HEART) and sdf;lkasdflak;fsja;dsfkl and thank you for writing it.
shirzadym chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
A cool idea,but not as emotional as I would prefer.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
Neat idea