Reviews for Giving
SpongeGuy chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
I remember my excitement when I read this one, and Hiro and Karmi nearly... (Giggles) KISSED! (Giggles again)

But even without that happening (and in your universe of stories, it would have been WAY to early for a kiss), this is another great story which has these characters totally in character, features the first example of the gang (and specifically Go Go and Honey Lemon) shipping Karmirio, and contains a serious step forwards: Not only did Hiro buy a present for Karmi, he was willing to kiss her.

And so was she. Later on. :)

1. Hiro's present for Go Go: It's not a traditional present, and I like that it is something uniquely for Go Go. Shows the amount of thought you put into these stories! I also love the foreshadowing for "Part Time" (at least, I think that's what it is) and I love Hiro's joke about the gloves maybe exploding.

2. A Go Go head rub may be a little surprising, but it IS Christmas and, well, cute head rubs are ALWAYS a win!

3. And the small detail of Hiro not fixing his hair is one I quite like!

4. "Note that they don't let him name things anymore." Ha!

5. I also like the slight HoneyZilla hint with her buying him a ton of clothes (though one could argue that's just your average present from Honey Lemon). I don't really ship that (I'm a GoGoZilla guy) but I still like the hint! Besides, with the way you write romance, I'm sure you'll convince me about this pairing!

6. And the presents all make sense for the characters!

7. The Abyss joke is another good one!

8. Honey Lemon revealing it and apologizing is very Honey Lemon of her!

9. Fred talking about Hiro's master plan is so Fred it's surprising it hasn't happened in the show yet! You really nailed him!

10. Hiro having already given the present so that no one will make fun of him is very Hiro of him! Seriously, you have these characters down, and you only get better at it!

11. Also, is the post it a callback to the other two times Hiro has used notes to communicate with Karmi? Actually, is it all one running theme: Hiro and Karmi, being the socially awkward people they are, constantly use other means (notes, texts, phone calls, Captain Cutie, bets, Morse Code) to communicate, and only in rare occasions (Magnetism, Steps, Foundation, Continuity) do they manage to actually talk. If that's true, then your work has somehow got better!

12. The train wreck burn is another good one!

13. Hiro's voice getting a little too high and his cocky way of pointing out the new scarf are just great!

14. Of course Karmi analyzed the handwriting! But is that another shipping hint? Maybe?

15. Karmi liking the scarf despite herself and admitting that Hiro is probably the only one who would get her a present is... Both adorable (the former) and depressing (the latter).

16. And the thoughtful lamp gift may be even cuter than a homemade scarf!

17. And Karmi feeling bad for not giving him anything is adorable! One could argue that this wouldn't happen during this time period between S1 and S2 but for that I have two answers:

1. It's an AU. The rules have changed here (slightly).

2. It's a GIFT on CHRISTMAS. I bet that Karmi would react like that in a potential BH6 Christmas Special!

18. The Hiro Karmi banter is, as ever, strong!

19. The fact that the gang had mistletoe hung up is both sort of sweet and really funny!

20. Characters reacting to surprising things with "Oh." It seems to be a trait we share, you and I.

21. The narrator saying that the blush is not due to the cold this time was also nice!

22. "Now she was looking at him". Another good line.

23. The whole "One hour later at Noodle Burger" line is another great joke, and I love that for a moment, Hiro's true feelings for Karmi come out.

24. Hiro being blocked. Some might say that that's unfair, or not right or whatever. And yes, when I first read this I was a little disappointed. BUT it is exactly the ending the story should have! In this AU's timeline, we've had "Magnetism", "Steps" and "Clean Up". That's not enough for a kiss between these two... Yet. So, honestly, you made the right call!

25. And Karmi's rejection banter is golden!

26. The Laws of mistletoe: I love your writing, man!

27. And even Fred is knocking the banter out! Hey, a suggestion: If you ever feel like it, you should try to write a superhero team up story (besides BH6 and Teen Titans) like Avengers or Guardians. I think you have a knack for this sort of thing. I'd definitely read it!

28. And that ending! Kamri admitting that maybe she should have let him kiss her, and then wondering where that thought came from? Perfect! And I would argue that's as good as a kiss!

Just another great story from you! I really like this one!

Next time, I'll be reviewing every chapter of "Clean Up"!



P.S, Enjoy your break! After all the work you did on "Continuity" and "Part Time" and etc., etc., you could use the rest! Don't overwork yourself! We'll all patiently wait until you can come back!
PhantomWorks- Stories division chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
Loved the watchmen reference and the story
Guest 1 chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Haha aww this was so adorable. Great job!
Derek chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
Great story i wish that it would be gogo that got two gifts from hiro instead of one
Fichistory chapter 1 . 12/24/2018
Oh my God! That was hilarious! It's good to see you again and your stories! I can see that happening in the series and the outside was the most hilarious part of all. "Against the law of mistletoe" made me laugh a lot and the end was also with a golden key. Until next year!
f.Sofy-Chan X3 chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
Aunque se que puede ser algo imposible, ame los momentos de Karmi y Hiro
Me hubiera encantado que se dieran ese beso :'3 (aun si no es el comportamiento de Hiro xD)
muy buen fanfic
espero escribas otro de Hiro y Karmi, hace falta mas fanfics :'D
Que tengas una Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo! espero la pases bien con tu familia y amigos :3
Dios te bendiga!
superkoola chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
Nice short fic!

I do hope you have a happy holidays and a Happy New Year as well!