Reviews for Hand of the Maiden
TMI Fairy chapter 4 . 12/28/2019
Amusing :)
Taijutsu chapter 5 . 9/26/2019
I always love Louise & Siesta stories. I hope to see more of this soon.
SnakePalace chapter 5 . 5/27/2019
Yes, I remember Maid of Honor, it's still one of my fav Familiar of Zero fics. A shame the author has dropped off the face of the Earth.
It's the second time it's been on hiatus, the first time the author disappeared for 2 years before suddenly coming back, but this time it seems like it might never be continued.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Hi, I haven’t read your story yet but I saw you mention maid of honor and it’s author. The author is still active on a website called spacebattles with the user name Phoenix Act. I think they’ve stopped fanfiction for now and write their our original fiction. However, they have a few omakes for maid of honor on spacebattles that aren’t here.
Forthwith16 chapter 4 . 5/18/2019
I really like this incarnation of Louise. I can see where her canon!self comes from, but she does grate on the nerves, doesn't experience too much interesting character growth, and doesn't really drive her own plotline. I'm looking forward to what you do with this partnership.
xbox432 chapter 5 . 4/26/2019
Hmm, so Colbert and Osmond are going to try and steer the girls in the right direction subtly. I like it. It shows that they're doing what they can to help one of their students without putting pressure on them. Though I do wonder how long it'll be before the palace hears about the situation...

As for your character voice? I'm not noticing any problems with it. I have no problem telling the speakers apart, so I'd say you're doing a fine job at differentiating them.
xbox432 chapter 4 . 4/9/2019
This has been as adorable as it is fun. :D I'm looking forward to seeing more of this, it's not often I find a FoZ fic where Louise isn't... well, a bitch, right from the get-go. I'm really enjoying this more realistic and kind version of Louise, she's much closer to how she was in later the later seasons than the beginning of the series.

And I think you did a good job on the fight scene. Both Siesta and Louise are novices at fighting, so you showed that they could work together but that they're still a bit hesitant. For instance, Louise never once even TRIED to cast a spell at Guiche, despite some of those attacks from his Valkyries having the potential to be lethal. Namely the one towards Louise's head. As a battle newb, Louise is still subconsciously afraid of hurting others. Or at least, that's what it came off to me as to me. You may have different reasoning.

Lastly, I wonder about Kirche. Instead of just wanting to be cruel to Louise, is it that she just finds it amusing to wind her up and watch the pinkette explode? While I don't think Louise would forgive and forget quickly, I do wonder how she might take Kirche's actions and comments.
DschingisKhan chapter 4 . 3/7/2019
You certainly got Louise into the action faster than I did! I liked it, though. The trading off was evident, but that just made it feel better to me, that they so supported each other and worked as a team. Their affection is nice to see too.

As for the response to my prior comment, while I wouldn't really say you've ESTABLISHED it very solidly (and I still don't think its very existence makes any sense), if you have a use for it (like you had with Mott), more power to you! I was more just making sure you weren't forcing it to happen under duress because you didn't know its optional... (Maybe knowledge of the LN is better known now than it was years ago?)
DschingisKhan chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
Now this is a pleasant surprise! Nice to see I'm not the only one who was inspired by that story. I wouldn't count escalus out just yet- they had a two year hiatus before, as I recall it - but this honestly feels more competent in a few ways, so I'm looking forward to your continuation.

It's worth noting that both Mott (in his totality) and the whole "familiar exhibition" were only in the anime, so you would be easily forgiven for just skipping that nonsense.
Nemoskull chapter 3 . 2/16/2019
must have more.
Nemoskull chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
Kisame Hoshigaki chapter 3 . 2/15/2019
I think it's a good timing what are you doing and it is a great chapter what you wrote, so don't be worried about it.

I will read you in the next chapter
King Kimi chapter 3 . 2/15/2019
Dummy's gonna die. *Shakes head*
FaberryXD chapter 1 . 2/15/2019
I just want to say that I did read Maid of Honor and i think it's great that you want to write this. Keep at it.
Yossarian42 chapter 1 . 1/18/2019
Gah! Two weeks can't come fast enough. Keep up the great work!
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