Reviews for Taking Care of Reno: The Early Years
Tashasaurous chapter 85 . 8/3
I'm not sure how Tseng's going to react to Kai's decision on leaving the Turks for good. Poor Tseng, Poor Kai, and Poor Reno. Once again, another amazingly well written chapter, totally worth the wait. Looking forward to the next one!
RealCoolDude chapter 84 . 7/21
Well... she should go back with him! So, there!

Tashasaurous chapter 84 . 7/20
Oh, dear. Reno's finally found Kai(thank goodness she's okay) but she doesn't want to return to the Turks. I hope she'll be okay. Another great chapter, as always! Looking forward to the next one!
Tashasaurous chapter 83 . 7/6
Poor Tseng with the cold, and poor Reno with his phone, and his bad luck with Chocobos, lol! Loved this chapter! Looking forward to the next one, and I hope Kai is okay.
Tashasaurous chapter 82 . 6/22
I seriously don't like Heidegger. He's such a...well, you know. Glad Rufus is okay, 'cause I was really worried, but poor Reno, being stuck with a Chocobo again, lol. Another amazing and funny chapter! Looking forward to the next one, and I hope Kai's okay.
Guest chapter 81 . 6/16
Silver wield on Tumblr can go fuck themselves, they think they know so much but they are just fucking delusional, seeing things when there's nothing there, "cloud is smiling in this picture" please, no he isn't you are just delusional, just like the Cleriths you are trying so hard to say they are crazy, lmao you are the crazy one playing the Remake 150 hours already thinking the devs are leaving clues for your ship, which is also my ship mind you lol but at least I'm not fucking delusional enough to think every little thing in the game is about my ship, like the devs have the time for that or Cloti is the only thing they think about, no! they have a game to make they can't just be all about your ship. Pathetic fuck. Get a grip. . .
Tashasaurous chapter 81 . 6/15
Uh, oh...That's not good. Hope Reno finds Rufus quickly!
Sapphire Lazulii chapter 80 . 6/10
Oh my days, I genuinely forgot that was Tseng’s evaluation and my heart was in my throat! So mean! Haha

I also agree with the review a few below. I love the familiar feeling I get in your stories. It’s ridiculous how many times I’ve read them over the years and I never get sick of them. Thank you for continuing this story for us
Tashasaurous chapter 80 . 6/8
Poor Tseng, having to almost relieve what happened with Mayu, but this was still such a beyond awesome chapter! You did another masterpiece! Looking forward to the next one.
RealCoolDude chapter 79 . 6/7
keh, how fast one reads when they actually try to. Man this place is relaxing. this Reno universe of yours is like that really old bar people always find themselves returning to because its such a comforting constant in their life. That's my simile and I'm sticking by it!
Tashasaurous chapter 79 . 6/2
Man, and I thought Reno had it bad with Materia, but poor Victor had it even worse. I feel so sorry for the guy.

Once again, another masterpiece of a chapter! You did an amazing work! Looking forward to the next one!
Tashasaurous chapter 78 . 5/26
It's okay, don't worry about it. Neck strains are not a good thing, but I'm glad that you're getting better. Please stay safe during this global crisis.

Loved this chapter, by the way. Definitely worth the wait. Looking forward for the next one!
Liquid Tides chapter 78 . 5/26
Sorry to hear about your neck strain, but I'm glad to hear it's getting better! Always a pleasure to read new chapters, one of the highlights of my week! Great job, as usual!
Tashasaurous chapter 77 . 5/18
I am so sorry for being late of leaving a review. It's been such a busy week and such. But this chapter is definitely funny! Especially with Tseng and Ward, lol! Loved it! Looking forward to the next one!
Tashasaurous chapter 76 . 5/4
I know Kai really messed up, but I hope she'll be okay. Another amazing chapter once again! Awesome job! Looking forward for the next one!
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