Reviews for Through The Eyes Of A Stranger
bellislefan chapter 1 . 11/28/2019
Update soon. Hope he finds out about the failsafe
scifiromance chapter 1 . 12/10/2018
I loved this so much! I'll repeat that you're on an absolute roll, but I do think this is my favourite story yet! 'Workforce' is one of my favourite episodes anyway, the only thing missing was real exploration of the aftermath, that should've had another episode dedicated to it, and this story satisfies that on so many levels, but mostly my favourite focus, Chakotay and Seven! :)

You wrote Seven with rare insight that her learning about her herself allowed. It all rang absolutely true, every thought and word. Chakotay's confession that the Borg are his greatest fear and that's why he held back makes perfect sense to the point where I'm sure it's true and of course that affected her.

I also really appreciated all the callbacks to other episodes as she naturally read her logs, and that she realised she'd taken his advice and presence for granted, that was important and I think, reading between the lines, Chakotay came to a similar realisation. That's important. Seven also realised that about everyone, another level of isolation on Quarra made her see what she has and what she'd like to have.

That ending was inspired, as was the whole story! WELL DONE! :D

Thanks for writing! :D

Alaster Boneman chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
Yes yes yes, a thousand time yes this was wonderful

I just loved seven or I suppose Aninka going though her files and old things, studying everything searching for understanding. And how she feels both familiar with her voyager so rounding but also like she's a stranger walking into someone else's life and is expected to just pick up the pieces.

This is a wonderful character Peace and I just wish there was more.


Happy holidays from Alaster Boneman
cojack chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
Fantastic. It is curious that the next episode is "Human Error" where Seven starts practicing her social skills on the holodeck with Chakotay as her test subject. I would think, however, after these interactions with Chakotay in your story, she would have foregone the holo-Chakotay and interacted more with the real Chakotay. Must be something more going on behind the scenes... What the story really shows is that there should have been a follow-on episode after the two-part Workforce that explored the crew recovering from their time on Quarra much like Next Generation had "Family" after the two-part "The Best of Both Worlds". Like your story, that would have been interesting.