Reviews for heavy is the crown
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
My, my. This was beautifully written! Keep up the great work; will definitely be sharing with friends.
TheFreelancerSeal chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
Oh my word, this was excellent. I've seen few stories as well written and well described as this one. You get a real sense of what the characters feel in each segment. From Emmeryn facing down her own nobles, knowing how untrustworthy they are, Chrom inheriting her throne and another war to follow, and Lucina taking charge of a destroyed world. It's crafted so expertly. The descriptions are spot-on, the tone is appropriately solemn, but also just as appropriately balanced with small touches of humor, like with Robin and Cynthia. I mean this could be just straight-up sobriety and lose nothing, but I do like those little bits.

The descriptions are my favorites. I couldn't pick out just one. Not only that each segment is just right in terms of length. I mean, each of these could have made for a one-shot all their own, but they work just right as they are. This is the kind of story I could only dream of writing myself, and I'm thoroughly impressed.

Well done.
Past Witness chapter 1 . 12/8/2018
This was great! Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing it.