Reviews for A Fashion Disaster
lalalamb chapter 1 . 2/8
This is oddly compelling.
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 1/5
That was stupid. Her debut at the show would have had more impact for both her and his line. Marianne is supposed to be good at this shit, she should know this, so why would she go out of her way to sabotage him?
HoneydeCM chapter 7 . 1/5
Finally! I've been waiting for ages...I'm so glad it's here ️
witch's warlock chapter 7 . 1/4
I, too will put another spoon full of ice cream in my mouth if I'm depressed
Guest chapter 7 . 1/3
Ahk finally an update! Soooo happpyyyyy
keepcoffee03 chapter 7 . 1/4
Thanks for the update. I love your stories.
WBAD chapter 7 . 1/3
Welcome back, Saki! :) I definitely missed this, but totally understand you wanting to focus on more important real life things. Now, that aside, the beginning of this chapter is just... AHHH!

Lelouch is actually moping, sulking, and eating ice cream. Too damned adorable! XD Lelouch punishing himself with brain freeze is everything! He's so dark in the beginning. I LOVE IT! Honestly, just Lelouch's thought processes during his stage in depression is enough to make me keel over and laugh. And that SuzaLulu platonic bromance going on is just SHGEAGHA! Too adorable for words! I really ADORE their best friends relationship, and how Schneizel seamlessly handles their childish antics (even if they refuse to call it childish). I'm neutral when it comes to Schneizel. But in this fic, I am kind'a in to him. xD This entire chapter is so pure what with how you show Lelouch's and Suzaku's friendship.

And I know I focused on our favorite pair of boys too much, but I appreciate Kallen and Euphy going out of their way to comfort C.C. too. But DAMN, Lelouch and Suzaku tho! xD

Great job on this one. Can't wait to see your finale ;) 'Til next time.
woo.tanin chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
hope u update this as soon as u can!
duduaoi chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
heck yeah its been so long author-san :( , bute nevertheless its here! thank you for updating! im excited what'll happen next, now that drama is strting to boil.
WBAD chapter 6 . 7/11/2019
OMG! O.o I am ssssoooooo happy you updated. Totally understand with the whole writer's block thing. It's a bitch when it happens xD Happy for you that you got over it. Really won't mind the two other chapters either... Especially how you ended this chapter.

I'mma cryyyy~ I love the angst I feel when they fight but hate when they're torn apart by circumstances. Oh well xD It's part of the up-and-down. Also, Lelouch being more worried about his family finding out than the media is hilarious AF! XD

Can't wait to see where you're going with this xD especially after the cliffhanger. Keep up the lovely writing too :D til next time!
keepcoffee03 chapter 6 . 7/10/2019
urgh! You are AWESOME! I just can't stop myself from lovin' it, and hoping for more CLuCLu AU. Looking forward to the next chapter
kaffeenator666 chapter 5 . 5/12/2019
I'm gonna be honest here, I'm not a fan of AU story's but this one here was really entertaining. I certainly enjoyed it, esspecilay such a weird setting with fashion. Can't wait for the last chapter, but I wouldn't mind if you would make a continued story out of this

In love
duckystory chapter 5 . 4/14/2019
unless lelouch being all strategic, things don't get very interesting. I guess this story is complete, i'm a little suprised lelouch didn't kill anyone.
Chouko Chizuke chapter 5 . 4/16/2019
huhuhu author-san where are youuu? a loyal fan here waiting HAHAHHAHA
Anime-Manga-Music-Lover chapter 5 . 4/2/2019
This chapter was just sooo... *squeals* I LOVED IT!
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