Reviews for God Damn It, Kyuubi
Nmevikee chapter 5 . 10/4/2019
That note really is Kakashi's style
Marshmallow1827 chapter 7 . 6/22/2019
Marshmallow1827 chapter 6 . 6/22/2019
"Everyone from the original timeline was thrown back to merge with their counterpart in the new one." 0_0
Marshmallow1827 chapter 5 . 6/22/2019
I really, really like this. Another time travel fic that actually changes the story line is so rare that I rarely even bother to read them. Good job! I'm excited to find out what happens next and how you handle the role swap between Obito and Kakashi 3
3ljbatalla chapter 8 . 4/14/2019
Chapter 8: Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let the attachment grow

Me:*trying not to sing let it go, in the middle of her peers*

Awyr chapter 14 . 3/19/2019
Sucks that I only found this now, then. Stories that just rehash the same plots are amazingly boring, and I was really enjoying your fresh take.
Only criticism I have is that having time skips/ changes in perspective in really rapid succession weakens the story. Weaving it in as you go, or making it a separate thing keeps the main story stronger.
LilyWhite KittyWake chapter 14 . 3/13/2019
Oh thank god. I nearly had a heart attack with that kind of title. I thought you were discontinuing this story or maybe even deleting your account. It’s a shame you’re leaving fanfic dot net though. Not that it really inconvenients me, I tend to use Ao3 way more than this site anyways.
My only problem is I’m not subscribed to you yet.
Sarah chapter 14 . 3/12/2019
Heck, disregard that last comment about not being able to find it. I tried searching the story title itself and it showed up. I'm not sure why your username wouldn't show anything. I apologize if you ever log into thsi site again and wasted your time reading that. Thank you again. I really do love your writing style and I'll be leaving kudos from AO3 (;
Sarah chapter 14 . 3/12/2019
I really want to continue to read what you write, bite i acnt find your AO3 account when I search through google or through the AO3 search bar (while logged into my account). Would you mind DMing me a link to your AO3 profile either through social media (gingeralgae on most platforms) or emailing () me a link? I'd appreciate it greatly, but I understand if you don't have the time to do that or don't feel comfortable giving a fan access personal information such as that. Whether you do or not, I want to thank you for giving notice in the story instead of just vanishing for and I'm glad you're writing what you want instead of just trying to please others. I hope things work out better for you with the change.
Radiant Celestial Aura chapter 4 . 3/4/2019
This is such a unique idea! Time travel with a twist on it being to a parallel world that has everyone going wtf!? Its been a long time since a naruto fic has made me laugh so hard!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/3/2019
Oh wow. Attention whore, much? It's a shitty kinky story anyway.
Human Heart chapter 14 . 3/3/2019
I am so sorry that some people have nothing in their lives to do but hate. I was wondering why this updated on the first. It's been every two weeks for a while now. *hugs* (if you're cool with that) I'm still a guest on Ao3 but have been considering getting an account cuz the words are bigger and easier to read and it just seem to be a bit more chill and expressive there. *eye smile* :). Whether I'm a guest or have an account, I still love your story. It's good. As long as the internet isn't wonky or the like or unlike, I'll probably, most definitely still be checking this story out for as long as it is posted because I AM INTO IT! :) You seem like a lovely person. I hope that you can get the best kind of revenge by being happy in spite of all this stupidity and keep doing what you love! Hope this finds you well on a nice night, day, or anywhere! Bye~ :D *wave*
Human Heart chapter 13 . 3/3/2019
(*Slides in*) Guess who got an account and is laaaaate~ Me! Okay. *breathes* I was totally rooting for Kakashi to kamui there and kamui QUICK! OOF. I was panicking indeeeeed. I. AM. SO GLAD SHE TOOK A DIFFERENT ROUTE CUZ OF *whines* LITERAL BRAINWASHED KAKASHI AAAAAAAAAH! I was like: "OHTHANKGOODNESSSHECAUGHTITWAIT-! SHE. IT. HERE. SHE'S GONNA LOSE IT HERE ISN'T SHE. AAAaH!" I was so HYPED when she was all like: "NO MORE, THOTS!" and then SANBI AGREEEEEEEEEEED! COMRADESHIIIIIIIIP! (Btw I think I spotted that Nagato/Rin ship on the horizon just before it crosses "actually meeting" , "establishment of motivations, clearly other than just protecc", "friendship" and "character development" :D. So heeeeey! X3 yaaay). And how she saw the used-to-be Team 7 in them and knew it would never be the same and NO, NEVER LETTING IT HAPPEN AGAIN. Oh honey. *grabs tissues* So glad she and bro, Sanbi jumped in honestly thank you. I was losing it~ This bisch Danzo. No. What even HANZO?! WHERE? HOW? SECRET UZUMAKI, WHAT?! I didn't know this was a KNOWN TECHNIQUE IN RAIN! Sonofa-mmmmmmmM! Live and let live, dude. "Haha so you see, it is I who has the upper hand-" *Jinchurikki bitch smack* Hahahahaha one of the best moments so far. Mwah magnific! Really? Spittin' out Beta like it's inferior. Bigoted, soon-to-be eviscerated Idiot. Gah! Meanwhile, back in Paradise. Reallllllllly, Kakashi? Reallllllllllly, Obito? *eyebrow raise* How does the fluffy one deal with you two, my stars. Saw that one coming! Cuz Obito is like stubborn given human form, honestly. I hoped he would be kept there and safe buuuuuuuut yeah. Aw Fuwa being a champ turning heads and getting shite done! Yes! Omph! :D Yeeeeah best take care of the rampaging Jinchurikki you once upon a time killed and whom unknowingly has seen your face on a small, creepy kid who hunted her for sport. What could possibly? Oof. "Stay here." 'He should've stayed to make sure Obito agreed.' *gets hit with anxiety* Bruh, how you gonna do this? You ain't Yamamoto? Liiiiiiike? *head tilt* OH HI. KURAMA! HOW YOU DOIN'?! WHAT. O-OH OKAY. BYYYYYE! COULD'VE YA KNOW VALIDATED MAYBE YOJR EXISTANCE OR MAYBE THE KIDDOS? Well...I guess battle's not the place or time. But when is he gonna be able to do that again? Hm. Ah well. Hopefully it'll work out. ... hmm-hmm-hmhm... WHAT?! HE KNOWS GHOST IS THERE?! Took me like 4 mentions for it to click just who that was goodness. THIS BITCH, HIRUZEN. YOU KNOW. YOU-ACTUAL IDIOT. *screeches* *SCREECHES IN INDIGNITY* Idk about this Tobirama but in canon, considering he was sane, I think he and oh I don't know PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET would be disappointed/think that this is not okay what are you even doing, Hiruzen?! *SHRIEKS* I am VIBING SO HARD WITH KAKASHI'S OPINION ON HIRUZEN RN! AH! Oh and future Team 7. What is going oooooooon!? *skids to a halt* Gotta take care of him? Bitch. What. I-what. Is this some culture thing he's using to his advantage? Sentimentality? Uh? OHMYGISHWHAT?! SHISUIIIII?! ... I am Shook. What wait was Danzo with Kagami? And had a kid? Who's the kid? What Exactly did Hiruzen mess up? Like? Cuz Shisui was calling him a grandmama so who's the mommy and the daddy? Why is he even mad at the Uchiha? Like...he married/mates with one? Were they dicks about it, uh cuz otherwise? Why is he mad? Kohona? Why exactly is he mad at Konoha? Well, here it's rotten even way the heck more so but us that the real reason?... HMM! WELL. E, and this is going out on a limb here (can you feel the sarcasm?) If you're hurting the children (ya knooooow the ones you're supposed to protect) or tch innocents in general (who literally did nothing at the Least)...and you don't WANT to...or do not feel it us right...Maybe FIND ANOTHER WAY-MAYBE ONE THAT MIGHT NOT COME AND BITE YOU IN THE ASS! REALLY, DUMBZO? REALLY. *scoffs* Like "oh, they're collateral" is how every revolution ever started? ? What. How are you any better than Konoha if? Like? Um. Not sure. Like every character typically has been redeemable or at least explained in backstory... Even Danzo was just a twisted (evetually) individual who slowly went from traumatized soldier to selfish, wanna live forever and put Konoha forever then it can never fall guy. So the protect guy slowly turned into a dick who didn't actually care for others just...Konoha as a whole? Who did stuff that wasn't okayed. Like the friggin Uchiha massacre I believe he helped with that and even the Kyu Attack? He at least used that to further his agenda and spread fake news when I think he and Tobi were already working together...? Let's just not talk about the timeline. *shudder* Ouch. Heh alm explained or redeemable. Except Gato. We don't talk about him. XD. He's like the step-father Gabe of this fandom. He was basically a small, massive jerk no one really cared for. Great chapter! Loved it! Love the Rin view and Kakashi is a disaster moments and Fuwa and sassy Obito oops or is it Naruto aaaah! ;D Awww thank you so much! That was so sweet of you to say! (-) :D *squeals* I hope you have a fantastic day! *wave* Off to read the next chapter! Whoosh!
YoKoChi150 chapter 14 . 3/2/2019
Nooooooo! Los matareeeee! No dejes Fanfiction! Pero si lo haces te seguire en AO3!

Muerte a los criticos!
Sparksofrandomness chapter 14 . 3/2/2019
It truly saddens me to hear that! I don't have an account on AO3 but you can bet I'm going to follow you.
The story is just so fresh and original, probably the first AU abo fic in the Naruto fandom in ages, which is so well done!
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